A new craze is emerging on the Net: ask Siri the meaning of 911. The personal assistant will immediately call 112 (in Europe)
There are fads that are born almost by accident, but they immediately spread among kids thanks to social networks and instant messaging platforms. The latest trend comes directly from the United States and sees Siri, the personal assistant present on all iPhones, as the protagonist.
The Cupertino company in recent years has tried to improve its virtual assistant to make people’s lives easier. All it takes is a simple voice command to call your partner, your parents or to do a search. A long work that has brought Siri to be perfect, in some cases even too much. In fact, a new trend has exploded in the United States: asking Siri the meaning of “911”. As soon as the voice command is received, the personal assistant will call the national emergency number (in Europe, 112). In fact, in the U.S. 911 is the number for emergencies and the voice assistant translates the voice command as a need for help.
Fashion born on the Net
Born as a simple game, the action has quickly become a real fad, so much so that it forced the sheriff of Harris County in Texas to launch an alarm on the Facebook page inviting the population to stop asking Siri “911”. In fact, telephone lines are clogged with prank calls from kids asking the personal assistant the meaning of 911 or 108 (the Indian emergency number). Also in European countries (and therefore also in Italy) the request is successful: you will immediately get in touch with 112, the unique European emergency number.
I numeri da non dire a Siri in Italia
Per non rischiare di ingolfare il centralino del 112, ecco una lista dei numeri di emergenza da non dire a Siri:
- 02; 03; 022; 066; 100; 101; 102; 103; 113; 114; 115; 117; 118; 122; 123; 190; 191; 193; 911; 991; 993; 995; 997; 998; 999 e 000 (triplo 0)
Nel caso in cui si cercherà di giocare con Siri e si proverà a cercare un numero di emergenza per tre o quattro, la volta successiva l’assistente personale non permetterà più di effettuare la chiamata.