Digital terrestrial, which TVs will change frequency on January 1st

Changing channel frequencies on digital terrestrial again: this time it is the turn of local broadcasters in restricted Area D, starting on January 1st.

The roadmap of the second generation DVB-T2 digital terrestrial continues unabated and, consequently, the frequency changes of many TV broadcasters continue.Waiting for the technological switch-off that will force viewers of some regions to change TV or decoder, it will be necessary to proceed to a new retuning or many channels will no longer be seen.

In particular, the release by TV operators of the 700 MHz frequency band, part of the large UHF spectrum ranging from 300 to 3,000 MHz, continues. These frequencies have already been assigned to telephone operators for the 5G network that, in fact, will travel on three bands: 694-790 MHz, 3,600-3,800 MHz (these two bands constitute the so-called “Sub-6 GHz” frequencies) and 26.5-27.5 GHz (the so-called millimeter waves, the fastest 5G of all). Currently on the frequencies of the “Band 700” broadcast many Italian local TVs, for which the Ministry of Economic Development has developed a roadmap staggered over time in order to give them the opportunity to change frequencies. The roadmap has been divided into “Restricted Areas” from A to D and areas A and B have already seen the change of frequencies in the periods January 1 – May 31 and June 1 – December 31, 2020 respectively. Now, in January 2021 it will be the turn of Restricted Area D, while in September 2021 it will be the turn of Restricted Area C.

Restricted Area D: who must retune

Restricted Area D includes all of Sicily, except the provinces of Palermo and Messina. Dovrà quindi risintonizzare la TV o il decoder del digitale terrestre chi abita in queste province:

  • Agrigento
  • Caltanissetta
  • Catania
  • Enna
  • Ragusa
  • Siracusa
  • Trapani
  • In tutte queste zone cambieranno frequenza tutte le TV locali che attualmente trasmettono su 51-53 UHF e le TV nazionali che trasmettono su 50-52 UHF. Le frequenze cambieranno nell’arco di tempo compreso tra il 1 gennaio e il 30 giugno 2021.

Area ristretta C: chi deve risintonizzare

L’Area ristretta C comprende invece una vasta fascia del territorio italiano che comprende province dall’estremo nord al profondo sud:

  • Trieste
  • Gorizia
  • Pordenone
  • Udine
  • Venezia
  • Treviso
  • Verona
  • Vicenza
  • Rovigo
  • Padova
  • Mantova
  • Bologna
  • Ferrara
  • Forlì-Cesena
  • Modena
  • Ravenna
  • Rimini
  • Ancona
  • Ascoli Piceno
  • Fermo
  • Pesaro-Urbino
  • Chieti
  • Pescara
  • Teramo
  • Macerata
  • Campobasso
  • Foggia
  • Campobasso
  • Barletta-Andria-Trani
  • Brindisi
  • Taranto
  • Lecce
  • Matera
  • Cosenza
  • Crotone
  • Catanzaro
  • Reggio Calabria

Di queste province in alcune, quelle dell’Emilia Romagna, del Veneto e Del Friuli Venezia Giulia, il cambio delle frequenze delle emittenti locali sarà definitivo. In tutte le altre verrà assegnata una frequenza provvisoria. Nell’Area ristretta C le frequenze cambieranno nell’arco di tempo compreso tra il 1 settembre e il 31 dicembre 2021.