How to recognize fish with your smartphone: here’s FishVerify

The app is currently being funded on Kickstarter, and allows you to get information about a fish with a simple photo using artificial intelligence

If you’re new to fishing or go fishing occasionally, in addition to the usual two boots you may have caught some fish of dubious identification. To help you figure out if the fish you’ve caught is big enough, if it’s edible or if it’s its season, there’s now an app: FishVerify.

The app is able to inform you about various characteristics of the animal with just one photo taken of the fish. It also uses GPS to give you information about its habitat, whether the fish is big enough or should be thrown back into the sea, and whether it is delicious or not. FishVerify è costruito su una rete neurale, un tipo di intelligenza artificiale che può essere addestrata su un insieme di dati poi utilizzati per riconoscere le immagini. In questo caso, il sistema è stato alimentato da un milione e mezzo di immagini di oltre 1.000 specie diverse di pesci. Principalmente sono pesci della zona del Florida, lì dove l’app è stata progettata.

FishVerify, i consigli per la pesca

come-funziona-fishverify.jpgFonte foto: Kickstarter

Come funziona FishVerify

L’applicazione dà anche consigli su come pescare i diversi tipi di pesci. In più utilizzando la localizzazione ci informa sulle leggi regionali o statali presenti in quelle acque e quali dimensioni e specie rispettare durante la pesca. Inoltre possiamo anche cercare di battere i record visto che l’app ha registrati i primati di pesca suddivisi per zona. Ma non è tutto. FishVerify monitors our every catch so that we can then analyze our day and if we indicate a particular type of fish, the app will tell us in which area it is most likely to be found on a regular basis.

FishVerify, the app for fishermen

The main goal of the app, as Chuck Mohr, CEO of FishVerify, explains, is to help and inform fishermen to preserve the various species of fish. In the coming months, the app will be updated for all U.S. fisheries, and the developers plan to expand the service to other countries in the future. The app can be downloaded for free but is developed with a freemium service. Paid versions range from $4 monthly up to $35 annually. For now it is only available for iOS but soon it will come to Android as well. FishVerify is currently looking for funding on Kickstarter: with 15 dollars you will have immediate access to the beta version. With a larger investment you can get gadgets such as towels, pins and fishing accessories. According to the developers, the app will be ready by February 2017.

The video in the opening is from Kickstarter

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