How Edmodo works for education

In this article we’ll take a detailed look at what Edmondo is, an online training tool perfect for recreating the learning environment. Find out how it works.

Looking for an online training tool? Today, we want to talk to you about how Edmondo works for education. It is a free e-learning platform available to teachers and students. Teachers can easily manage their class and easily share everything they need for teaching activities, such as assignments, digital books, videos and more. Edmondo is easy to use, because it has a graphical interface that looks a lot like Facebook.

Edmondo: what is it

We’ve already given you some information in the previous paragraph, but now let’s see in detail what Edmondo is. It’s an application that was born with the idea of becoming a real social network dedicated to training. Può essere utilizzato sia dai docenti che dagli studenti. Edmondo, infatti, consente a chi fa parte della piattaforma di condividere facilmente il materiale didattico e qualsiasi strumento che serve per lo studio. Edmondo è molto utile per gli alunni che hanno difficoltà a muoversi da casa oppure che vivono in luoghi distanti dai centri abitati. Questa applicazione è disponibile sia per dispositivi Android che iOS.

Attraverso questo strumento di didattica online è possibile:

  • Scrivere dei post dove si possono inserire immagini, testi e video;
  • Creare gruppi e sottogruppi;
  • Creare test di vari tipi: a risposta multipla, aperti o vero/falso;
  • Effettuare dei sondaggi;
  • Dare i compiti a casa;
  • Gestire una biblioteca;
  • Creare un calendario con le verifiche e i compiti a casa.

You can use Edmondo via computer, smartphone and tablet.

Edmondo: how it works for teachers

The app is proposed as a tool that can simplify the work of teachers. Now we want to tell you about exactly how Edmondo works for teachers. As we have already seen, the app offers several tools, besides which there is also a virtual library where the teacher can decide with whom to share documents and images.

Thanks to the app teachers are able to create any kind of quiz, which they can share directly with the class or send it to the students as a homework assignment. Besides, on Edmondo every teacher can manage all documents through a virtual private archive. Teachers also have a calendar available where they can mark important activities, such as tests and exams.

Edmondo for Students

With Edmondo, students have a safe environment for their training. In fact, all classes are supervised by teachers. To enroll in a class, students must have a code that is provided to them by the teacher. Edmondo facilitates collaboration between students, who can ask for clarifications not only from teachers, but also from their classmates and can share study material useful for the whole class.

Edmondo for Parents

Edmondo is also a very useful tool for parents, who can access the platform. This allows them to check through graphs and reports the progress of their children at all times. Parents have access to the application through an account reserved for them and that is automatically updated when their children use Edmondo. In addition, parents can communicate directly with teachers.

Edmondo: how to register

To use the platform teachers, students and parents must register. Now let’s see just how to register to Edmondo. First of all, you need to access the site When registering, you should pay attention to whether you are a teacher or a student, because the accounts are different and give access to different tools. The system requires you to fill in some fields related to username, email and password.

Once you have entered the data, you will receive a confirmation email that allows you to activate the account and start using the application. After creating an account, teachers can create a group with the class name and invite students. Again, teachers can set up various features, such as sharing information between students and teacher, but also restrict or block communication between students.

What about parents? When a student has created their account, they automatically have a Parent Code that can be used to create a parent account that is linked to the student’s account. After a parent has registered, each time their children join a group it will be added to the parent account. Whether you are a teacher, student or parent you are now ready to use Edmondo.