The company after criticism from several users will allow you to manage and customize the data to be sent in case of bugs or malfunctions of its operating system
Windows 10 since its launch has divided users. The Electronic Frontier Foundation, a company that acts as a “watchdog” for privacy on the Web, has immediately accused Microsoft of using too much information about users, with the new update of the operating system, however, many things will change.
Windows 10 and user privacy. Many users have complained to Microsoft about the different data that the new operating system can collect between feedback and performance analysis. For this very reason, the company has decided that in the next update there will be new settings and a new interface for adjusting privacy. Inoltre Microsoft ha dichiarato che diminuirà le informazioni raccolte e manterrà solo quelle relative a bug o malfunzionamenti del sistema operativo stesso. E i cambiamenti sono stati graditi anche da Maul Kalia, coordinatore legale presso la Electronic Frontier Foundation, che li ha definiti come necessari per il bene degli utenti.
Le modifiche per la privacy e la sicurezza
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire sette semplici mosse per salvaguardare la privacy online
Per arrivare alle nuove impostazioni sulla privacy Microsoft ha lavorato in accoppiata con diverse società che tutelano gli utenti. Tra queste anche alcune organizzazioni per la tutela della privacy svizzere. La schermata per le impostazioni sulla privacy, che sarà visualizzabile dal prossimo aggiornamento di Windows 10, è molto intuitiva. We will be able to choose whether or not to share the location. We will be able to disable Cortana and look at our interaction with the voice assistant as if it were a web browser history. We can choose the level of feedback to send in case of problems with the operating system and finally we can decide the relevance of the ads shown. We can also choose to see few ads, not relevant with our real interests. Moreover, Microsoft has made it known that it does not collect data about email content, chats, files or images.