Tutte le novità dell’ultima versione di Chrome del 2020

La versione 87 di Chrome è l’ultima dell’anno e Google l’ha riempita di novità per fare un regalo ai suoi utenti.

Google ha rilasciato Chrome 87, ultimo aggiornamento del suo browser per il 2020, spiegando che questa versione può aiutarci a “fare le cose durante le festività natalizie per rendere il nostro lavoro e la nostra vita più agevole e recuperare tempo prezioso“. La prima novità di Chrome 87, infatti, è la velocità.

Grazie ad alcuni accorgimenti tecnici, infatti, Chrome 87 è meno pesante e questo, secondo Google, si ripercuoterà positivamente anche sulla durata della batteria dei laptop. Altra novità importante della nuova versione di Chrome riguarda la gestione delle tab, con l’arrivo sulla versione ufficiale stabile per il grande pubblico di diverse funzioni viste precedentemente nelle versioni per gli sviluppatori. Finally, there are also some new features never seen before, even in beta versions, which Google wants to test in the stable version of Chrome for all.

Google Chrome 87: how much faster is it

Measuring the real speed of a browser is virtually impossible, because it also depends on the speed of the computer on which it runs and the Internet connection. However, Google claims that Chrome 87 is 25% faster at startup, 7% faster at page opening, and that Chrome for Android now opens pages almost instantaneously when we move back and forth.

This is possible because active tabs are prioritized and unused tabs are “docked”. This also reduces CPU usage (even up to 5 times) and RAM and increases battery life up to 1 hour and a quarter.

Google Chrome 87: what’s new for tabs

With previous versions of Chrome came the ability to pin tabs, group tabs, send a tab to another device. Now comes a new feature: the “tab search”.

Available at the moment only on Chromebooks, the tab search allows you to search for a tab within a toolbox. The tab will be found even if it’s in another Chrome window.

Google Chrome 87: commands from the omnibox

A very interesting new feature of Chrome 87 is the ability to give commands to the browser directly from the omnibox, the web address bar. In practice, you can type “clear history” to directly open the settings window from which you can delete it.

Other commands allow you to clear cookies and cache, change credit card data registered, launch an incognito window, change passwords, refresh the browser or translate a Web page. These changes will arrive gradually in different countries because they require a translation of the commands.

Google Chrome 87: the new cards

With version 87 of Chrome will change (within a few weeks, Google swears) also the screen that is displayed by the browser when we open a new tab: will be displayed some cards containing pages recently visited and content related to our searches.

Initially it will be content related to recipes, shopping and entertainment (from the beginning of 2021) and Google admits that it is a test and that it will collect feedback from users about it.