Prime Minister May has decided to do away with smartwatches during cabinet meetings, in 2013 it was smartphones and tablets that were banned
This time it’s not spies or terrorists who are being blacklisted by the British government, but Apple Watches. Prime Minister Theresa May has banned the latest generation of watches for fear that confidential conversations of cabinet meetings could be intercepted by Russian hackers.
The fear of being spied on had emerged from an article in the newspaper The Telegraph where an anonymous source stated that some Russian hackers were able to steal information from the governments of China, the United States and precisely England. In order to prevent these attacks already in 2013 in the UK both tablets and smartphones were banned in cabinet meetings. Dopo che durante il G20 a San Pietroburgo furono distribuite delle chiavette USB con dei malware. Ora il bando tocca agli Apple Watch e agli smartwatch. Dovranno essere riposti in scatole piombate e insonorizzate prima di ogni riunione.
La tecnologia a servizio dello spionaggio
La spia più famosa del cinema
Le recenti voci sui tentativi di hacker russi di boicottare le prossime elezioni negli Stati Uniti. Le informazioni che la stessa NSA, la National Security Agency americana, avrebbe cercato di estrapolare dalle conversazioni di Angela Merkel e altri funzionari tedeschi. Sono solo alcuni esempi dell’utilizzo delle nuove tecnologie al limite tra lo spionaggio internazionale e gli attacchi di hacker non riconducibili ai governi. E in Inghilterra non è nemmeno la prima volta che gli Apple Watch diventano discussione di governo. In 2015, in fact, a cabinet meeting was interrupted by a Beyoncé song played on the device of Micheal Gove, the former education secretary. Although he said he was merely trying to check his email inbox. In short, to avoid spies 2.0 the best possible way seems to be to avoid using technology.