PEC, the numbers of a success

PEC is increasingly making inroads among Italian Internet users. With more than 8 million open addresses, it is slowly replacing the registered paper mail

Instituted at the end of 2000 with the Decree of the President of the Republic n. 445 having as its object “Legislative dispositions on the subject of administrative documentation”, the Certified Electronic Mail is today one of the preferred means of communication by Italian Internet users. According to AgID data (acronym of Agenzia per l’Italia Digitale), today there are more than 8 million open PEC boxes, exchanging more than 4 million messages per day (for a total of more than 1 billion PEC messages sent every year).

Un successo certificato anche dai tassi di crescita fatti registrare negli ultimi anni: come si può vedere nell’infografica che segue, tra fine 2017 e 30 giugno 2018, il numero delle caselle di posta certificata aperte è cresciuto del 22% circa, confermando un trend similare fatto registrare anche tra fine 2016 e fine 2017. Insomma, gli italiani sembrano essersi definitivamente innamorati della PEC, e non è difficile capire il perché. Facile da utilizzare e molto economica (per aprire una casella Libero Family PEC si paga 14,99 euro).


Chi può aprire la PEC?

Di fatto, chiunque può possedere almeno un indirizzo di posta elettronica certificata, a patto di essere maggiorenne. Obbligatoria per aziende, professionisti e commercianti, negli ultimi anni la PEC ha visto crescere il numero di privati che la preferiscono alla raccomandata cartacea. More convenient and economical, the PEC is used by about 4 million citizens (40% of the total number of active certified mailboxes in our country) attracted by the advantages it provides over other means of communication.

Why open a Certified E-Mail box?

If you wonder why more and more people activate the PEC is because, probably, you have never analyzed the advantages, even for individuals. PEC can be used as a normal e-mail, it has legal value, it can be used to communicate (in an official way) with the public administration and various bodies or service providers on the national territory (universities, associations, gas, electricity and telephony providers, and so on), it is an integral part of our digital domicile (in which to receive fines, for example) and, as already mentioned, it is much cheaper than registered paper mail.