Social engineering is the new techniques used by hackers to get inside users’ accounts
Hackers don’t live by malware alone. Sometimes, cyber criminals use much more sophisticated tactics to gain access to their victims’ computer systems and steal all kinds of data and personal information. It’s called social engineering, a set of techniques that are halfway between psychology and engineering.
A social engineer – a hacker who implements social engineering techniques – starts by studying the behavior of his victims, so he can find a “common topic” for discussion and get in his “good graces”. La social engineering è considerabile come una manipolazione psicologica che induce chi ne è vittima a comportarsi in una determinata maniera o rivelare informazioni personali senza rendersene realmente conto. Un attacco hacker di questo genere può richiedere anche diverse settimane prima che si ottengano i primi risultati, ma può essere molto più incisivo e fruttuoso rispetto a infezioni malware di qualunque genere.
Le tecniche di ingegneria sociale più utilizzate
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire i trucchi per difendersi dal phishing
Un attacco di social engineering si compone di diverse fasi. Prima di tutto, come detto, c’è la fase dello studio: il cyber criminale deve studiare comportamenti, abitudini e preferenze della vittima, così da poter entrare in contatto con lui e guadagnare la sua fiducia. Afterwards, different techniques will be used according to the psychological and social profile of the person to be targeted.
The hacker, in order to induce him to act according to his will and aims, can use his authority (showing himself, for example, to be an expert in a certain field) or leverage on fear or guilt. Ignorance and compassion are also two levers on which to force the victim to act in a forced way, without him being aware of it.
Alternatively, in the case in which the psychology doesn’t bring the desired results, it is possible to use more computer techniques. One of the most used is the phishing technique: by sending cleverly counterfeit mail messages – and in line with the psychological profile of the victim – you will be able to obtain the desired information and data. Equally valid is the technique of baiting: “bait” is thrown online waiting for the victim to “bite” and end up behaving as the hacker wants.
What is the purpose of social engineering
The main purpose of social engineering is one: to obtain information and confidential data in possession of the victim. Creating trust in the victim cyber criminals lead him to provide confidential data or to install malware alone. Obviously, these techniques are very often used in the corporate environment and many SMEs are attacked in this way and lose critical data and information. All this is because the lack of knowledge on the part of employees or employers is exploited.
How to Defend Against Social Engineering Attacks
There are many ways to recognize a social engineering attack and also services where to raise the attention. Let’s start by saying that the number one tip is to never trust anyone on the Internet. When a stranger contacts us we should always be wary. And we must be careful even if the interlocutor seems kind or has famous brands and logos, such as a bank, a big company or pretends to be an acquaintance. Be careful especially on Skype, in the platform for calls there are several bots that disguise themselves as beautiful women or assistants of the Skype service but in reality only want to take us to make a false step and then cheat us. Beware then of e-mails that we receive from banks or law enforcement agencies that ask us to pay fines or change the data of our account. Possono sembrare tentativi banali ma sono realizzati in maniera così verosimile da poter trarre in inganno anche persone solitamente attente alla sicurezza informatica.
Come difendersi dagli attacchi hacker
Cliccando sui link che seguono, invece, potrete scoprire suggerimenti, alcuni più tecnici altri più alla portata di tutti, riguardanti la sicurezza informatica e scoprire le tipologie di attacchi più comuni: dagli attacchi DDoS al phishing, passando per le botnet.
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