How Google Classroom, a platform for distance learning works

Google Classroom is a platform for doing distance learning and studying online presentations uploaded by professors. Here’s how it works

Education 2.0 involves the use of technology tools to teach at a distance and take online classes. Students and teachers can use computers, smartphones and apps to stay in touch, study from home and do homework and exams. E-learning platforms have exploded in recent years and many universities and schools are starting to use them for online teaching.

Google Classroom is one of platform to study online and do distance learning. It’s a free service from the Mountian View company and is part of the Google suite of programs that you just need an account to use. Google Classroom allows teachers to create online courses and students to participate in online classes. The operation is very simple and suitable for any type of school, from elementary school (where the support of a parent is required to help the child study online), up to university. Here’s how to access and use Google Classroom, the platform for distance learning.

What is Google Classroom

Available since 2014, Google Classroom is a free service present in the Google Suite that allows you to conduct online classes and distribute teaching materials to students. The platform has no limitations: any person with a Google account can create an online course, invite students and start teaching online. Gli alunni, a loro volta, possono entrare in contatto, scambiarsi informazioni e studiare su Internet.

Come accedere a Google Classroom

Per accedere a Google Classroom basta avere un account Google. La piattaforma, infatti, fa parte dei servizi gratuiti offerti da GSuite. Per effettuare l’accesso bisogna lanciare Google Classroom e inserire il proprio indirizzo Gmail e la password.

Come funziona Google Classroom

Google Classroom offre a studenti e insegnati diversi strumenti per fare lezioni online e svolgere i compiti. Tra i principali servizi troviamo i programmi della suite per l’ufficio di Big G. Stiamo parlando di Google Documenti, Google Presentazioni e Google Fogli. Grazie a queste applicazioni gli insegnati possono caricare sul Google Drive condiviso con gli studenti appunti scritti, presentazioni con le lezioni da studiare online ed esercizi da svolgere.

Il funzionamento di Google Classroom è differente a seconda di chi lo utilizza.

  • Insegnanti. Possono creare un nuovo corso e invitare gli studenti. Gli insegnanti possono caricare contenuti multimediali per fare lezione online, assegnare compiti, inserire avvisi nella bacheca comune del corso e valutare positivamente o negativamente i compiti svolti da remoto dagli studenti.
  • Studenti. Partecipare a un corso a cui si è stati invitati e diventare un membro attivo della classe virtuale. La bacheca del corso ha la stessa funzionalità dell’aula: gli studenti possono entrare in contatto con i compagni di “classe” e chiedere informazioni ai professori. Tramite Google Calendar è possibile scoprire entro quando consegnare i compiti e quando ci sono le verifiche.

Come creare un corso su Google Classroom

Uno dei segreti del successo di Google Classroom è la semplicità di utilizzo. Per gli insegnanti è facilissimo creare un nuovo corso: basta accedere con le proprie credenziali alla piattaforma, premere sull’icona “+” in alto a destra e poi scegliere la voce “Crea corso”. After accepting the conditions of use of the service, you must enter the “Name of the course”, the “Section”, the “Subject” and the “Room”. Pressing on “Create” will access the online classroom and you can start inviting students and preparing online lessons.

How to enroll in a course on Google Classroom

To enroll in a course on Google Classroom, a student must receive an invitation from the professor or have the course code. To do the enrollment, one has to log into the e-learning platform with their Google account, press on the “+” icon in the top right corner and select “Enroll in the course”. A window will open where you have to enter the course code. Once done, you have to press on “Enroll” and you will access the online classroom. From this moment you will be able to start using all the tools offered by Google Classroom to study online.

Google Classroom, how to download apps

Google Classroom, besides being available via web app on the website, also offers a free app available on the Google Play Store and the App Store. To download it, just go to the online store of your smartphone, search for “Google Classroom” and start the download. Within seconds it will be installed on your device and you can start using it.

The Google Classroom app offers the same functionality as the web app, with the ability to quickly take photos and upload them directly to the online course chat.

Google Classroom, tips for teachers

How can teachers best use Google Classroom? Our advice is to follow the Google Suite for Education online course that provides a complete preparation for the e-learning platform, explaining all the features in detail.

In addition, to make online lessons interesting and interactive, the advice is to use all the tools provided by Google Classroom, such as the possibility to upload videos, add presentations and multimedia content.

Google Classroom is a great tool for teachers, especially if you are unable to teach in a classroom.

Google Classroom, tips for students

While Google Classroom is a great e-learning platform for teachers and professors, it’s also a great way for students to study online, stay in touch with their classmates, and learn new things on a daily basis.

To get the most out of your assignments and get positive evaluations from your teachers, you should use all the tools provided by Google Classroom, like Google Sheets and Google Presentations. Without forgetting the possibility of publishing videos and multimedia content.