Come funzionano le racchette anti zanzare

Le racchette anti zanzare sono una delle possibili soluzioni contro l’invasione di insetti fastidiosi: ecco come funzionano, se sono pericolose e come riconoscere le migliori.

Con l’arrivo della bella stagione, già in tarda primavera al sud e un po’ più avanti al nord, tornano a trovarci una gran quantità di insetti decisamente fastidiosi. Due in particolare: mosche e zanzare. Entrambe possono farci restare svegli per tutta la notte, rovinandoci i pochi giorni di ferie che ci sono concessi, o renderci impossibile la vita mentre stiamo ancora lavorando.

Per limitare questo problema, da anni, l’essere umano ha aguzzato l’ingegno: prima cercando di non farle entrare nei luoghi dove vive, inventando le zanzariere da finestra, poi inventando una lunga serie di dispositivi per la lotta a mosche e zanzare. Devices that rely on chemistry, such as the famous “fornelletti” with platelets (later replaced by liquid ones) or physics, such as anti-mosquito lamps. Recently, a new category has been added, which is all the rage today: anti-mosquito paddles. These are devices that resemble tennis rackets in every way, but are capable of electrocuting (in the true sense of the word) insects. Here is how they work, if they are dangerous for children and animals and how to recognize the best ones.

Anti-mosquito rackets: the functioning

The functioning of the anti-mosquito rackets is very simple: inside the handle there is a very simple electric circuit that draws energy from a rechargeable battery and proceeds to raise the voltage up to very high voltages, even 3-4.000 Volts.

The high voltage is then sent to a very thin metal grid, which short-circuits every time something touches it, making a strong spark. The insect that is hit by the paddle, then, is basically burned. A bloody, but immediate death.

Anti-mosquito paddles: are they dangerous?

The answer is simple: no. The anti-mosquito poles are dangerous (indeed lethal) only for mosquitoes, flies and other small insects because the energy released as a result of contact is not able to hurt larger animals, including humans. If we touched the electric net with the paddle on, however, we would get a shock anyway and it would not be pleasant.

This is why all anti-mosquito paddles are equipped with one or more layers of non-electrified net placed over the live layer, on both sides. In this way, at least part of the small insects come into contact with the underlying net and the spark starts, but if the paddle is touched by any animal that is larger than a fly, it is almost impossible for that animal to take the shock: it will bang on the off net, not on the on one.

Anti-mosquito paddles: how to choose them

The principle of operation of an anti-mosquito paddle, therefore, is very simple and in principle identical in all models. To choose the best paddle, therefore, we must look at three factors: the voltage, charging and any additional functions.

The voltage should not be less than 2,000 volts, or it will be insufficient to kill even insects. Better 3,000 or 4,000 volts, to be sure that even the largest flies are killed and not just stunned.

The most convenient charging is USB and this detail does not need much explanation: everyone in the house has at least one USB charger.

Anti-mosquito paddles: how much they cost

The price of a basic anti-mosquito paddle, not of excellent quality, is around 10 euros. To buy a good one you need 15-20 euros. An example of a good quality anti-mosquito paddle is the Flashvin Douhe 4,000 Volt, with USB charging and a really big battery: 1,200 mAh (about a third of the battery of an iPhone 12).

This paddle has a high voltage, to kill even big flies and two very interesting additional functions. The first is the 180-degree articulated head: it’s used to adhere the paddle to the wall, table or other surfaces to give the insect no room to escape (the percentage of hits that go off skyrockets).

The second is that it integrates a UV lamp that attracts mosquitoes and can be left on. Basically, you can also leave the Flashvin mosquito racket in a dark room, resting on a table with the net and lamp on. The paddle will attract during the night the mosquitoes, which will rest on it and will be killed.

The price of this paddle is 20 euros, definitely consonant with the characteristics of the product.

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