Malware attacks that many trace back to the Russian government are on the rise in recent years, in Ukraine infected 9 thousand applications of soldiers at war
Many of us think of hackers as an isolated group of cyber criminals. A group of “geeks” capable of infecting devices and stealing personal data. However, the figure of the hacker has evolved and now many are in charge of real government programs.
The use of malware against the Ukrainian army. It is believed that a group of hackers, better known as Fancy Bear or APT28, have been working for the Russian army to favor it during the war in Ukraine. This was made known by CrowdStrike, a cyber security company based in Irvine, California. How did the cyber in the pay of Russia act? They entered inside an application used by the Ukrainian army during the battle for movements and reports. Grazie a un trojan installato all’interno del sistema i russi potevano sapere in ogni istante la posizione delle truppe nemiche e avere aggiornamenti in tempo reale quando queste si spostavano.
Gli hacker influenzano la guerra
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Gli esperti del settore sono rimasti sconvolti dalla semplicità con la quale i russi hanno infettato i sistemi ucraini e soprattutto dal numero dei dispositivi infettati. Si parla di almeno 9.000 smartphone usati da soldati ucraini manomessi. L’app Android era stata creata dall’ufficiale ucraino Yaroslav Sherstuk, della 55esima brigata d’artiglieria. The Russians had a huge advantage from the use of the malware as they always knew the position of the opponent and read their moves in advance knowing their location.
Russia spies on Lithuanian government
Not only technology and hackers used for war but also for international espionage. According to recent Reuters reports, the government of Lithuania has been spied on and infected with malware designed by cyber criminals linked to the Russian government over the past two years. In 2015 alone, around 20 different types of malware were found on various Lithuanian government sites, while a virus that had been present on the main government site for at least a year and a half was recently discovered. All this is part of the climate of accusation of other states against Russia. on all of them the United States, which has ignited the debate about it even during the election campaign. Nel 2007 anche l’Estonia aveva subito problemi simili a quelli della Lituania e un sito di home banking della banca nazionale era stato chiuso per precauzione.
Hacker per gestire elezioni in paesi differenti
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Non solo spionaggio internazionale ma anche controllo dei cittadini, è stato riferito che sia in Estonia che in Lituania la Russia con i suoi hacker ha rubato credenziali di accesso di account Gmail e Facebook a diverse migliaia di persone. Anche se le mire principali restano quelle politiche. Anche la Germania ha riferito un aumento di tentativi di attacchi da malware russi, con il particolare scopo di influenzare l’opinione pubblica nelle prossime elezioni. Finora dal Cremlino nessuno ha voluto rispondere a riguardo.