Not all parents have the courage to admit that their child is a cyberbully and end up blaming the victim. Here is the advice of the expert
There is a social phenomenon that in Italy lately often ends up in the headlines: cyberbullying, a plague that affects not only the victims, but also their families. Institutions, together with the media, are trying to keep the attention high, launching awareness campaigns aimed especially at students. The best weapon is, in fact, prevention through education at school. In some cases, an important role is also played by the parents of the so-called bullies who should have the tools to understand and intervene. Come riporta Generazioni Connesse, l’associazione che ogni anno organizza l’Internert Safer Day, Maura Manca, Psicoterapeuta e Presidente dell’Osservatorio Nazionale Adolescenza, ha proposto sull’account Facebook “Una vita da Social” della Polizia di Stato, una serie di “regole” per aiutare i genitori dei cyberbulli a comprendere cosa fare.
I consigli dell’esperta contro il cyberbullismo
Fonte foto: Shutterstock
Premi sull’immagine per scoprire cosa rischiano i cyberbulli
Secondo il medico, la prima cosa che un genitore deve fare è quella di parlare con il proprio figlio e spiegargli dove finisce il gioco e dove, invece, inizia la prevaricazione. Diventa, poi, fondamentale non soffermarsi alle apparenze e ai racconti del figlio. Not all parents have the courage to admit that their child is a bully and often end up blaming the victim. The doctor urges not to be afraid to recognize the wrong actions of the child.
Parents should not use violence against cyberbullies
(Taken from YouTube)
For the psychotherapist, a parent should never justify the violent actions of their children, but try to understand what fuels these aggressive behaviors towards others. There is also another type of wrong attitude that Dr. Manca warns against: thinking that it is only a matter of behaviors among boys and related to adolescence. One must not then respond to violence with more violence. Parents must not beat aggressive children, but help them to understand.
The dangers of the Net
It is fundamental to explain to children how to use the net in a correct way and the consequences that their actions on the web have on people’s life. These kids often, reminds the psychotherapist, play a role built over time and are looking for approval. Parents will need to be able to erase this “social position.” Cyberbullies have lost, or never had, respect for diversity. “You have to start again,” Manca writes, “from the basics if you really want to change these kinds of behaviors and attitudes.”
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