Huawei responds to Italian users: updates are guaranteed

Huawei has created a page on its website answering the most frequently asked questions of Italian users and ensuring full support

The name of the page is eloquent: Huawei Responds. The Chinese company has created a page on its Italian website that answers the many questions users have been asking in recent weeks about their Huawei devices. Since the President of the United States decided to put Huawei on the list of disliked companies (the ban was then suspended for 90 days until mid-August), the first concerns have started to arise among users.

“Will my Huawei smartphone receive updates?”. “Will I receive security patches?”. “Will Android 10 Q be available for my Huawei P30?”. These are some of the questions that Huawei users have been looking for answers to in forums and social networks over the past month. Now it is directly the Chinese company to answer the questions in a page on its website in which it reassures for the umpteenth time the support to its customers. Those who have purchased a Huawei smartphone need not worry: they will receive updates to both the operating system and security patches. The same principles also apply to those who have an Honor device, a sub-brand of Huawei.

Huawei’s answers to Italian users’ questions

The Chinese company wanted to reaffirm its closeness to users who have purchased or are about to purchase a Huawei/Honor smartphone by answering a series of questions that have been very popular lately.

All’inizio della pagina, Huawei ha stilato una lista con i servizi che continuerà a garantire agli utenti nei prossimi mesi/anni, anche nel caso in cui Trump decida di continuare il blocco commerciale.

  • Aggiornamenti di sicurezza
  • Utilizzo delle app
  • Utilizzo di Android
  • Assistenza sempre con al 800 191 435

Ciò vuol dire che gli smartphone già venduti potranno continuare a utilizzare e a scaricare le applicazioni di Facebook, WhatsApp e Instagram (solo per fare un esempio) e riceveranno direttamente il supporto di Huawei per le patch di sicurezza.

Huawei ha affrontato tante domande spinose, a partire dagli aggiornamenti software per i dispositivi. L’azienda ha voluto tranquillizzare gli utenti e ha annunciato che gli smartphone e tablet venduti o presenti in magazzino riceveranno gli aggiornamenti di Android senza nessun problema. And it emphasizes that it is not true that the green robot operating system will be automatically disabled.

The situation that has arisen with the trade block imposed by Trump is not going to affect the Conventional Warranty of Huawei products. Moreover, the Chinese company will continue to sell its products even if the trade ban continues.

Finally, the most important news: the latest devices launched by Huawei will receive Android 10 Q, the next version of Google’s operating system. There are 13 Huawei devices that have joined the Android Q beta program launched by the Chinese company itself. So, if you are planning to buy a Huawei smartphone, you don’t have to worry, you will continue to receive Android updates.