Apple Watch flop, in 2016 sales down compared to 2015

According to market analysts, Apple’s new smartwatch has not fully convinced users and sales of both models would be down

According to the most authoritative market analyst in the world of Apple Ming-Chi Kuo, the Cupertino company’s smartwatches in 2016 could come to a screeching halt. In fact, Apple could sell fewer watches this year than in 2015.

This analysis is interesting because the Apple Watch constitutes the only product category that has been launched on the market since CEO Tim Cook has been at the helm of the American company.

The Apple Watch in fact was officially put on sale only from April 2015. Secondo le previsioni di Kuo, Apple avrebbe ridotto del 15-25% le spedizioni dei suoi smartwatch, un taglio che ha riguardato sia l’Apple Watch 1 sia l’Apple Watch 2.

Vendite in calo per Apple Watch

foto-1-11.jpgFonte foto: Pixabay

Apple Watch

L’analista della KGI Securities scrive che gli Apple Watch messi in vendita scenderebbero da 10 – 10, 5 mlioni di unità a 8,5 massimo 9 nel corso del 2016, rispetto alle 10,4 milioni del 2015.

La Serie 2 dell’Apple Watch è stata annunciata lo scorso mese ed molto simile a quella presentata nel 2014. L’unica differenza importante è che l’Apple Watch di prima generazione non è resistente all’acqua. Da quando inoltre è stata lanciata la nuova versione, l’Apple Watch ha subito un taglio di prezzo e questo non aiuterebbe le vendite dell’ultimo arrivato. Also according to Kuo, the Cupertino smartwatches would not have had any impact on Fibit, the company that produces low-cost wearable devices and seen as the real competitor of the Apple Watch.

The problems

The problems according to the analyst would be four. First, there aren’t enough Killer Applications, i.e., winning apps that can boost smartwatch sales. Then there would be the insufficient battery life and the excessive dependence on the iPhone. And finally Kuo argues that multi-touch would not be the best UI solution for wearable devices.

Apple never publishes the sales results of its smartwatches, although it does release those for iPhones, iPads and Macs. Recent estimates published by market researcher IDC suggest that the American company would have sold about 1.6 million Apple Watches in the second quarter of 2016, thus down 56.7 5% year-on-year.