The cheapest home Internet offers of March 2020

Until April 3, 2020 all Italy will be required to comply with the ban imposed by the emergency coronavirus, for which we must limit the maximum movement and stay within the walls of the house for most of the time.

The offers that can be subscribed in March 2020 are among the cheapest in recent months: they are, in most cases, all-inclusive rates, which allow you to have access to unlimited Internet, calls throughout the country, including to cell phones, without having to pay the phone fee, and other ancillary services, which are often related to online entertainment.

Prendetevi il giusto tempo per valutare quella che rappresenta l’opzione migliore in base al luogo in cui abitate: vi ricordiamo, infatti, che la possibilità di attivare un’offerta con la connessione in fibra ottica dipende dalla copertura. Per verificare di essere raggiunti dalla rete è sufficiente effettuare uno speed test prima di attivare qualsiasi promozione.

Le migliori offerte Internet casa di marzo 2020

Dall’analisi delle promozioni disponibili in questo periodo, emerge che la più economica tra tutte è l’offerta Internet casa di Wind Tre, il nuovo operatore di servizi Internet e telefonia mobile, nato dall’unione tra le società Wind e Tre.

Tre i punti che accomunano le 5 migliori offerte del mese, ci sono:
• il prezzo mensile, che è inferiore a 30 euro;
• la possibilità di navigare alla velocità della fibra FTTH e di raggiungere 1 Gigabit al secondo in download;
• il fatto che il modem non sia obbligatorio e che scegliendo la promozione senza modem, il costo si abbassa ulteriormente;
• le chiamate senza limiti in tutta Italia.

In alcuni casi le tariffe hanno un costo fisso, in altri è prevista una riduzione del costo del canone dopo un certo numero di anni. Le migliori tariffe Internet casa del mese di marzo 2020 sono dunque:
1. Super Fibra Unlimited di Wind Tre;
2. Fastweb Casa;
3. Internet Unlimited di Vodafone;
4. Ultrainternet fibra di Tiscali;
5. Super Fibra di TIM.

Vediamo di seguito il dettaglio sui costi e sulle particolarità di ogni singola promozione.

1. Super Fibra Unlimited by Wind Tre

The one proposed by Wind Tre is really a super promotion, with the lowest price of all: the monthly fee is only 19.99 euros per month, which can increase, reaching 25.98 euros per month, but only if you decide to also take the modem, which costs 5.99 euros.

The activation is free and includes unlimited calls to all national landline and mobile numbers, and without charge to the caller. Mobile Internet is included in the plan and you also have the option of activating a SIM at a cost of €9.99, which contains unlimited minutes and Giga.

2. Fastweb Casa

Fastweb Home Internet promotions always stand out for the excellent performance of the connection, thanks to which you can watch streaming programs without interruption and with a quality among the best among those on the market.

Fastweb Casa includes in the monthly rate the latest generation modem and the activation cost: it costs 25.95 euros per month, forever, and provides unlimited calls to landlines and mobiles, free and without connection charge.

Mobile Internet is not included, but the promotion can be eventually integrated with the subscription of additional services, such as DAZN, with which you can have access without having to install satellite dishes or antennas to a lot of content related to the sports universe.

3. Internet Unlimited by Vodafone

This is an Internet home + phone promotion, with which you can surf at the maximum speed of 1 Giga. Activation and modem are included in the fee of the rate, which for the first 4 years is equal to 25.90 euros per month.

From the fifth year onwards it becomes 22.90 euros per month: the promotion has a contractual obligation of 24 months and, in case of early termination, you will have to pay the remaining installments on the modem and the activation fee.

The promotion includes calls to landlines and cell phones at no cost and no connection charge and a SIM with 30 Giga traffic to connect at any time from tablets and keys.

4. Ultrainternet fiber by Tiscali

Also the promotion of Tiscali is an offer Internet home + phone, with which you can surf at the maximum speed of 1 Giga download and 300 Mega upload. The rate includes modem and activation and has a fixed cost of 26.95 euros per month.

Calls are unlimited to landlines and mobiles, but provide a connection charge of 23 cents. Among the special features of this proposal are 2 months of Infinity included and 60 free minutes per month to all foreign landline numbers.

5. Super Fibra by TIM

The last offer to which you can have access is Super Fibra by TIM: the cost of 29.90 euros per month is fixed. Also in this promotion there are free modem and activation cost, as well as unlimited calls to all fixed and mobile numbers in Italy.

The main feature of the offer of TIM is represented by TIMVision, the platform through which you can have access to many exclusive content, from the world of cinema to that of TV series and cartoons, dedicated to all subscribers of this promotion.

Until 15 April 2020, to make a contribution to the coronavirus emergency, TIMVision can be used, exceptionally, free of charge throughout Italy, by everyone: to subscribe to this special promotion, simply go to the TIMVision online platform and register with your email.