Electronic invoicing, first quarter 2021 data: what to expect

First quarter 2021 electronic invoicing data marks an increase compared to the same period in 2020: what to expect in the coming months

The first electronic invoicing data for 2021 is encouraging. Between January and March 2021, invoices received were about 3% more than in the same quarter of the previous year. Data that looks set to grow, if they follow the upward trend that has already begun in the last quarter of 2020.

According to data from the Agency for Digital Italy (AGID), e-invoicing suffered a setback in 2020, mainly due to the lockdown restrictions for the Covid-19 pandemic. It was a year of restrictions, businesses shutting down, and decreased trade, especially in some sectors. Meno fatture inviate, ma anche meno errori di fatturazione: professionisti e aziende stanno imparando come emettere e inviare le proprie fatture elettroniche, anche grazie all’uso di software gestionali che permettono di facilitare il lavoro. Tra questi, ad esempio, c’è Libero SiFattura che offre sia un piano gratuito Basic, che piani con funzionalità aggiuntive a partire da 29 euro l’anno più IVA. Ecco tutti i dati del primo trimestre 2021 e cosa aspettarci nei prossimi mesi.


Fatturazione elettronica: i dati del primo trimestre 2021

L’AGID rilascia i dati sulla fatturazione elettronica ogni tre mesi per poter monitorare l’andamento di questo efficace strumento introdotto dal governo, che permette di contrastare l’evasione fiscale e aumentare il gettito fiscale. Risultati che, negli ultimi due anni, sono arrivati e si stanno consolidando. In 2020, AGID data marked a decrease in electronic invoices issued, however, due to a very particular situation: the hard lockdown period for the Covid-19 pandemic.

Now let’s move on to the data. In 2020, there were 30,173,980 files received by the Revenue Agency’s interchange system (SdI), down from 32,823,689. Only in the first quarter of 2020, the invoice files received were 7,648,460, a figure lower than the 7,875,032 recorded between March and April 2021.

An important figure because it is precisely from March 2020 that the effects of the pandemic began to be felt with a downward trend of invoices, which had gone from 2,655,793of January 2020 to 2,452,352 of March and then continued to decline during the lockdown and found some breathing space from the reopenings of July. In 2021, however, this trend reverses and e-invoicing grows from 2,471,642 in January to 2,610,124 in February, reaching 2,793,266 in March.

Electronic Invoicing: where is it used the most?

According to Libero SiFattura data, electronic invoicing is mainly used in northern Italy with 41% of its users. Central Italy stops at 21%, the south at 27% and the islands at 10%. The main regions where companies and professionals are concentrated are Lombardy (17%), Campania (15%), Lazio (13%), Sicily, Piedmont and Veneto (all three with 7%) and Puglia (6%).

On the other hand, managing e-invoicing requires the use of a management software that can help the user keep track of their accounts. Invoice management software can be used to issue and send invoices, keep track of invoices received and reduce the number of files that are discarded due to compilation errors. There are many ERPs on the net and for those looking for a complete one that allows you to share invoices and accounting with accountants and employees and that offers a reporting section there is Libero SiFattura with the additional features of its Pro plan at 49 euros per month plus VAT.