Apple is set to launch a new 14-inch MacBook Pro by May with a new keyboard that will replace the one on previous models
Addio butterfly, we’re going backwards. Even the great ones make mistakes, and when they get it too wrong, they can only make up for it by changing their ways. That’s exactly what happened to Apple with its famous “Butterfly” keyboard introduced in 2015 to offer a more comfortable and effective typing to MacBook users.
But the choice made by Apple in 2015 turned out to be a nightmare for a lot of users, since the particular “butterfly” mechanism filled up with dust and dirt making it almost impossible to use the keyboard keys because, in practice, they remained glued and didn’t go back up. And here, then, that Apple runs to the remedy by returning to the normal keyboard with scissor mechanism from the next MacBook Pro, which will arrive this year. Or so say several leakers, according to whom a 14-inch version of the MacBook Pro could also arrive to replace the current 13-inch one.
MacBook Pro 2020, what will the keyboard look like
The problems with butterfly keyboards were so many and so serious that Apple, back in 2018, was forced to replace thousands of them worldwide at its own expense. Then it decided to abandon this mechanism, starting with the 16-inch MacBook Pro (introduced in November 2019) and the 13-inch MacBook Air (introduced during the summer of 2019 and equipped with the “Magic Keyboard”). Now Apple is preparing to replace the keyboard also to the MacBook Pro with the smaller screen, a clear symptom that the butterfly key mechanism has been definitively filed by the Cupertino house.
MacBook Pro 2020: what it will look like
The new MacBook Pro, codenamed J223, should arrive soon. Perhaps as early as May (coronavirus permitting) as the well-known leaker Jon Prosser believes. The rumors, however, diverge when it comes to the display: according to some analysts, in fact, Apple will present a model with a 14-inch screen, while according to others will repropose the 13-inch screen. In both cases, however, the total size of the body of this Apple laptop would not change because the extra inch would be compensated by a much thinner frame. It is almost certain, finally, that the new 13/14-inch MacBook Pro 2020 will feature an Intel CPU with tenth-generation Ice Lake architecture, that is, made with 10-nanometer manufacturing process.