Questions tagged as 'rest'


What is the difference between Webhooks and a REST API?

In API REST we define a resource to receive data and then return some response. And to send a message to a webhook , we make a request and also receive a response (depending on the case). Do both do the same thing? So what's the d...
asked by 27.04.2017 / 05:14

Receive parameter in delete request

I am trying to pass a parameter to my DELETE request, I tried to do the following: Use the same way I use in GET (where it works normal). app.delete('/contatos', function(req, res){ var obj = req.body; console.log(obj); }); Howev...
asked by 01.09.2015 / 04:51

Consuming web service of the PJe

I need to consume the progress of a process using the web service provided by the PC. I am following the guidelines described in: link According to the tutorial, WSDL has the following format: • Web Service: http://ENDEREÇO DA APLICAÇÃ...
asked by 25.04.2018 / 21:29

Web service orchestration

In many sites and articles, the term service orchestration is displayed. But what does it mean to orchestrate services and processes in web services terminology?     
asked by 11.02.2016 / 14:18

Routes of the Slim PHP Framework

Hello everyone, I'm having trouble using the Slim framework ... when I try to access via get the root "/" I get it normal, but when I try to access other methods like "/ hello" it simply n goes from the error "Not Found The requested URL / sli...
asked by 30.01.2015 / 03:26

Remote REST WebService in PHP receiving JSON via POST with problems

I have the following situation ... A pure javascript client application that runs with node.js, where I send via a JSON post, as follows: doLoad = function (livrosList){ var xmlhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); x...
asked by 15.01.2015 / 00:01

consume REST service with totalcross

I would like to know how to consume a REST service using totalcross. I made an example following what is in the documentation, I am using HttpStream. String url = enderecoWS + servico; HttpStream hs = new HttpStream(new URI(url)); byte[] bu...
asked by 22.03.2017 / 13:53

How to handle security in a REST application with Spring?

I'd like to know how I could handle the security of a stateless REST application with Spring. Imagine that no user can access any content of /app/content if you have not first identified. Is there any way to do this without also having...
asked by 08.10.2014 / 19:23

WebService REST Simple

How to create a simple REST-type WebService that does HTTP communication from an Android device to the server using the PHP language? My goal is to Requests and receive a Response from the server.     
asked by 28.08.2015 / 19:10

Open ID Connect and OAuth 2

Last year searching a bit about authentication in API's REST I heard about OAuth and saw many recommendations regarding it. I read a bit about it, I liked it and I started to use it with ASP.NET Web API 2 . Now I've only r...
asked by 06.06.2015 / 22:12