Questions tagged as 'rest'


Monitoring MySQL database with Java application

I have a Java desktop application w / DB MySQL running on 100 company branches for over 6 years. Today at the head office we need some information from the branch database. I'm developing a web service Rest, to perform this integration. The f...
asked by 05.08.2015 / 00:38

What status code to use when there is no bank record to return in an HTTP request?

I have an endpoint that returns a list of products. So, if there's any data in this list, I'll set the HTTP status code to 200, and if it does not, I just return a json saying that no record was found and the status code of HTTP 200. My en...
asked by 12.06.2017 / 00:40

Monitoring REST API status

I am learning and trying to resolve a case of a POST request where a large body is being sent to be processed by the API and return is a job ID to access the result. It turns out that the time the API takes to process can vary depending...
asked by 22.12.2014 / 14:06

What does this definition of resource really mean?

I'm studying about web APIs and REST and the book I'm reading says the following:    The Web is built around three main concepts: features, URIs, and representations.       A resource is anything that has a URI. A feature itself is a concept...
asked by 31.01.2015 / 03:11

How to create webservice using PHP and REST?

I have been researching a lot on webservices lately and would like your help to know how I can build a webservice using REST and PHP. I chose PHP because I'm more familiar with the language, and REST because during my research I saw that it was...
asked by 05.04.2017 / 23:40

How to use the AFNetworking 2.0 library synchronously?

I would like to call a rest service using the AFNetworking library. How to make a call synchronously, ie wait for the return of the webservice? For example: Method that will return a carriage object: Carro *carro = [self findCarro...
asked by 15.02.2014 / 22:17

How to get the result of the Request in Retrofit 2.0

Well, I'm starting to study Android, I even made an application with Volley but a friend indicated Retrofit because it was much faster and "simple". But I still can not understand much. I have a WebService where I want to log in. I have to se...
asked by 09.12.2015 / 23:00

Rails and Webmotors

Anyone with any experience with Rails integration with Webmotors APi? I'm using Gem SAVON to integrate the application with the site API and I'm getting the error:    Savon :: SOAPFault: (soap: Server) Server was unable to process request....
asked by 24.12.2015 / 15:22

REST - Http x Json

I did some research and I have some questions about REST: Http is Rest? Is JSON and XML just the return format of a Rest operation? REST x Web Services: are the same things? SOAP would be the opposite of HTTP? Thank you for helping...
asked by 28.03.2016 / 14:34

Is it correct in a DTO class to have attributes of two or more tables?

I need to return on a REST data from two tables, to be consumed in an Android / IOS App, developed with xamarin. As I return a DTO, I found it good to bring data from two tables in this DTO, but I find it somewhat gambi. The other solution would...
asked by 31.08.2017 / 13:56