Questions tagged as 'rest'


How to read the specifications of a Web Service REST [closed]

Hi, I need to create a project with consists of consuming a web service REST, where consuming this web service I need to generate an XML with the information / specifications of it, what are your methods, method return types, method parameter...
asked by 27.10.2014 / 19:57

Best way to communicate the Application with the Server [duplicate]

I'm developing an application that needs to communicate with the server (send and receive data). What would be the best way to do this data exchange with security and performance? Through REST / WEB SERVICE, Sockets, HTTP request or some more...
asked by 11.03.2015 / 18:30

Create service versions rest

I'm creating rest services with Java (Jersey). This service tends to grow and evolve, and may undergo changes in existing routines, so I believe the best route would be to create production versions so clients do not break with the changes....
asked by 05.07.2016 / 20:09

PHP that returns null table fields that are neither empty nor null in MySQL

I have a table "payment_forms" and I made an API to get all these forms of payment, but even the database is correct, it informs that the "name" field is null in return, see: [{"nome":"Dinheiro"},{"nome":"Cheque"},{"nome":null},{"nome":null}]...
asked by 09.02.2017 / 17:32

POST Request with token

Start an HTTP request via the POST method for the authentication URL, with the following parameters: login password response = link "MY_TOKEN" The response to the request made in 1 will be answered by another URL. This URL repre...
asked by 30.08.2014 / 04:11


I have a form in HTML that should send data to a server in JSON format. How do I format this input and submit data to an API Rest the data in JSON in the way I described below? As I see it, I need to do a POST, the difficulty is...
asked by 17.10.2017 / 17:34

How to create a REST service with PHP and MySQL and .htaccess

I am developing a small project, where some information should be stored in a MySQL database that is hosted in a PHP hosting, I wanted to know if I have a way to develop a REST service to insert the data into a MySQL database.     
asked by 06.07.2015 / 22:58

Service not being called to update on the bank

I made a service and when I call on the URL , passing the proper parameters, does not work: Call URL : http://localhost:9078/api/atualiza/1000012120/teste My service: public class AtualizaController : ApiController { Auto...
asked by 14.09.2017 / 16:23

Requested angularjs being executed first incorrectly

In a controller, I have two HTTP requests: function findProfessionalEmail(professional) { EmailHunter.findProfessionalEmail(professional.company_name, professional.first_name, professionalLastName).then(function (da...
asked by 20.09.2016 / 22:10

Rodo in the browser my WebService and gives me a strange message

When giving a View In Browser in my WebService, brought me this message. It does not look like a message that the WebService is all ok. What message is this? Service This is a Windows© Communication Foundation service. Metadata publishing fo...
asked by 15.05.2014 / 14:34