How to create a REST service with PHP and MySQL and .htaccess


I am developing a small project, where some information should be stored in a MySQL database that is hosted in a PHP hosting, I wanted to know if I have a way to develop a REST service to insert the data into a MySQL database.     

asked by anonymous 06.07.2015 / 22:58

2 answers


A simplified way to do this, I recommend, is through Slim Framework , developed in PHP, with a focus on REST distribution APIs.

Getting Started ( Font ):

1) curl -s link | php

2) Create a composer.json file in the project root with the following code:

    "require": {
        "slim/slim": "2.*"

3) Run the command php composer.phar install

4) Include in your file index.php o autoloader of the framework

require 'vendor/autoload.php';

Creating "Hello World"

1) Instantiate the application of the framework through the code:

$app = new \Slim\Slim();

2) Create the route:

$app->get('/hello/:name', function ($name) {
    echo "Hello, $name";

3) Run the application:


Access your project with paths specified in $app->get . This is a very basic example of how Slim works, to get a better idea, I recommend reading documentation .

06.07.2015 / 23:45

Zend, the company responsible for PHP and the famous Zend Framework, has developed a webservice 'generator' called ApiGility . I think it's the easiest way and on Youtube there are several videos on the subject.

I particularly like Yii2. In this guide they show how easy it is to create a Restful webservice

07.07.2015 / 15:37