Questions tagged as 'rest'


HTTP Error 406 using Rest Delphi components with XML return

I'm trying to query an NFS-e with the REST components in delphi XE7, in the queries of type Json I got normally, but when the return is of type XML it gives the error 406, I already tried to send the Accept and Content-Type in the header but als...
asked by 19.01.2018 / 19:39

Create nuget package from a REST API Web application

I have a web service API REST in ASP.NET CORE 2.0 several projects (layers) in it. However, for larger forces, it can not be used as a service. It was then suggested to create a nuget package for this WEB API. I've never created a nuget packa...
asked by 10.01.2018 / 21:59

Keep a request in C # - Rest

The doubt I have is more conceptual than in code. I have a rest that is a service on the server, the same is done in C #, I would like every day at a specific time it would request a URL X. I thought of putting a timer in my dekstop applicati...
asked by 12.01.2018 / 14:05

Error 404 apache Tomcat

I'm new to web services, however lately I've gotten to develop my own, however I can not even do a hello world due to an error that Tomcat is returning me, it just does not find the URL, can you help me? package Login; import
asked by 28.02.2018 / 22:43

Installation of dependencies in npm start but not finish

I am taking a course and following a book on NodeJs . In the book I'm asked to install the Express and Babel modules, already in the course they ask to install dependencies of an application that they make available. My problem is this:  ...
asked by 01.12.2017 / 22:56

Cors Laravel, release only for a specific domain

I'm using the LaravelCors library and would like to block all requesters except a specific Domain, how do I do this?     
asked by 05.02.2018 / 00:10

Implementation of the NRS Gateway API

I need to implement a nrs gateway api for sending sms, for this it is necessary to make a URL request with the necessary parameters, but I do not know if I use GET or REST to do this, what is it recommendable to use? link     
asked by 22.12.2017 / 17:31

java response json out of order

I'm doing an API in java to be consumed by Excel. I'm doing a select from the bank bringing the columns in the right order, but when it arrives in Excel comes in a crazy order. I also made a method with: Class.forName("className").getDeclar...
asked by 24.08.2017 / 22:25

How to get value returned from Get using Volley on android

In the case I want to know how to get only the value of the GET of the link "... / possess_cadastro" to enter the If or Else. public class LoginRequest extends StringRequest { private static final String REGISTER_REQUEST_URL = "http://192.168....
asked by 21.09.2017 / 20:16

Working with JSON for request and response Java

I need to consume a WS with rest that is almost complete, only 2 things to finish: - mount the request JSON and manipulate the response. JSON Here is an example of the template I need to submit in the request: { "sendSmsRequest": {...
asked by 07.07.2017 / 16:43