Questions tagged as 'json'


How to echo the value of a variable from the query result

To automate my process of generating a JSON , I save the name of the variable in the database (Ex: $teste_value_1 ). In my file.php I have the value of this variable, for example $teste_value_1 = "Isso é um teste"; . Then I...
asked by 08.03.2018 / 19:56

Can anyone explain me that part in JSON please ?? (Wordpress Plugin)

Hello, I'm going to detail the maximum of my doubt to see if anyone can understand me and help me ... I have the following Plugin installed on Wordpress: link This Plugin creates this part in the Wordpress Cpanel: Andthispartcreatestheseth...
asked by 06.03.2018 / 14:21

Accentuation x JSON (Jquery)

How do I proceed in Jquery so that the return of the request via json is with the correct accent? Current: "Monday, March 12 & 2018" I need: "Monday, March 12, 2018" I'm trying to use this: $.ajax({ async:false, type: "GET",...
asked by 12.03.2018 / 15:30

Integration with Asaas API ticket

Someone here has already made integration with the ticket system of Asaas follow the link if anyone wants to take a look there    link I would like to know if the customer paid for the id of the charge this via PHP and JSON if someone...
asked by 05.03.2018 / 05:55

Get specific value from a JSON URL in JAVA

Good morning Friends. I'm having a hard time dealing with information collected in a third-party JSON url online, my JPA needs information from multiple sites that return in different ways in the JSON queries, below I'll outline the ways they...
asked by 12.03.2018 / 14:59

Accessing a JSON key

I'm doing a POST request to my Webservice and I'm getting a Json as a result, I'd like to get a specific field from Json because the key names are fixed eg: "field1, field2, field3" ... and so on against. I'm trying to use GSON but I'm unsuccess...
asked by 02.03.2018 / 16:21

POST Request Method using JSON on Android

I need to do a POST request with a Webservice, where I pass a JSON with key and value as a parameter. This request is made on Android, when I make the request it returns me a JSON, with key values called ... ex: field1, field2, field3 ... I need...
asked by 01.03.2018 / 11:15

API Restful java gets wrong JSON POST date

I have a Rest API in java that is getting the wrong date. JavaScript sends the following JSON: { "pessdtcad": "2018-02-24", "dataNascimento": "1984-05-18", "nome": "GUSTAVO DE FREITAS", "sexo": "M", } And the backend shows the dates one day...
asked by 27.02.2018 / 16:28

3-parameter Json Web Token (JWT) authentication?

I am doing a login system with Laravel using JWT, however I need to pass 3 parameters, being they an identifier, username and password. I can get these parameters but I can not authenticate with the bank. It does user verification and password,...
asked by 27.02.2018 / 16:43

Recover JSON data via POST

I have an application that sends the lambda via POST and retrieval via JSON, but I am not able to separate the coordinates that arrive in an array. Here's an example $datas = file_get_contents('php://input'); $encoded = json_decode($datas...
asked by 27.02.2018 / 16:59