Questions tagged as 'json'


Class to fetch JSON with variable URL

Access quietly a MySQL database via webservice, I get Json perfectly, in AsyncTask's PostExecute it shows the contents of all Json entries except Json or Json text in global variables ( class) but when returning to the main activity l...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 20:34

Check changes to JSON data using Volley

I have an application that after scanning a qrCode displays the item information of an API. But it has a value that changes every second in this API. I want to know how I can display this value whenever I change the screen without having to scan...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 19:35

Return Image Json Database

Initially for clarification, I'm trying to create a hybrid html, javascript and css app. Objectively, my obstacle is to display on the user's screen your avatar, which is in a directory of the Mysql database on my computer. I can send the...
asked by 06.04.2018 / 22:47

how to mount the json of this respective call

I have a problem I do not know how to mount the json of this call in php to send by curl, could anyone help me? "auto_recurring": { "frequency": 1, "frequency_type": "months", "transaction_amount": 200 }     
asked by 07.04.2018 / 01:06

Sort objects in json file (Java)

I have the following JSON file: {"idAluno":1,"nomeAluno":"Teste","listaDeTurmas":[1,2,3,4]} {"idAluno":4,"nomeAluno":"Teste","listaDeTurmas":[1,2,3,4]} {"idAluno":3,"nomeAluno":"Teste","listaDeTurmas":[1,2,3,4]} {"idAluno":5,"nomeAluno":"Teste...
asked by 09.04.2018 / 18:27

Keep the cache of a JSON query on IONIC 3

Hello, I have an App that consumes JSON and lists the data, so far so good. My difficulty is in keeping this data for offline access. I want to consult after you're offline. Q: I have been testing with Service Worker, it works perfectly but i...
asked by 09.04.2018 / 00:38

Custom on-demand loading

Hello everyone, I would like to do a load on demand, but I can not mount. Here is my code: function show(letra) { var itens = ""; $.ajax({ type: 'GET', dataType: 'json', data: 'action_search=yes&letra=' + l...
asked by 29.03.2018 / 01:15

C # function in the controller to receive an array

I need to get an array of select and send to a function in the controller, but it always arrives as null, even sending the complete array. Here is the code: Controller: [AcceptVerbs(HttpVerbs.Get)] public ActionResult GetLocais(int [] idcT...
asked by 28.03.2018 / 22:18

JSON with variable fields

I get a PHP that accesses the MySQL database a JSON that does not always have the same fields, now it looks like this: [{"clu_nome":"Sport Club Corinthians Paulista","clu_estado":"SP","clu_ordem":5,"pon_pontos":"1858","pon_jogos":"1298","pon_v...
asked by 27.03.2018 / 19:07

How to create table in d3 using a json key, key, value?

I wanted to create a table in d3.js and by data in json within the table, my json is as follows: freqData=[ {State:'2004',freq: {Diabetes:30, Alzheimer:0, Cancer:920, Others:0}} ,{State:'2005',freq:{Diabetes:400, Alzheime...
asked by 27.03.2018 / 18:59