Questions tagged as 'json'


Image Upload with Ajax (fakepatch) for PHP

I'm getting data from a form (HTML) to register in my database, the data is coming in the following way in the Firefox Console. link . In my view the problem apparently is in the variable $ _FILE that can not get the file with this fakepatch, w...
asked by 17.02.2018 / 20:29

Make an httprequest call with cURL

I have an api url that returns a json, and I wanted to make a request for the information to be updated, and then decoded through json_decode, so I know I would have to do an httprequest where I used cURL and then json_decode . I do not know if...
asked by 09.02.2018 / 15:36

Recyclerview with JSON parsing

My PHP code generates the following JSON: { "resposta":[ { "cd_servico":"1", "ds_servico":"NOME SERVICO", "ITEMS":[ { "ds_descricao1":"DESCRICAO SERVICO", "ds_descricao2":"DESCRICAO 2",...
asked by 22.02.2018 / 14:40

I'm looking for a way to transform JSON into a table automatically in the chorme

My university has a facile website, so I set up schemes to be notified in the discord (using a plugin called Distill and a webhook) every time a note changes. However, the addresses I am updating to check for changes show text in JSON. And disco...
asked by 10.02.2018 / 19:28

How to store value in a string object and display this element on another page?

My function myFunction takes the username and password elements typed, and sends those values storing in a global variable to the next page. My function tToken authenticates this information and plays to the next p...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 20:33

Problem handling json object in ajax request

I have a function that makes a database in the database via ajax and then searches for the same object in the database to add information about it without reloading the page. var respostaSubmit = function (response) { alertGeneric('modal-i...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 12:46

Save information from a vector to each function call

I have a function in my javascript code, in this function is filled information into a variable that will be added in the position of a vector, I will try to illustrate with parts in pseudocode the example: funcao(){ a = scan; vetor.push...
asked by 15.02.2018 / 23:16

Get Json URL response

Personally I'm trying to get response from JSON from the URL below: link . I have tried in Php and Jquery, and I can not get the answer. If you paste the link into the Browser, it provides the answer, but from the codes in my localhost, I ca...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 17:57

Quotation in json with the return of the value of Commodities like Soybean and maize

I'm retrieving a list in JSON / XML using the function of getting commodity day quotations like SOYBEANS and CORN. Could you tell me a source?     
asked by 07.02.2018 / 14:50

Change title color in google charts chart

I'm making a chart using google charts and I want to change the title color. My graphic settings are via a json file: 'config' => array( 'title' => 'Despesas', 'width' => 400, 'height' => 300,...
asked by 07.02.2018 / 14:28