I have an application that sends the lambda via POST and retrieval via JSON, but I am not able to separate the coordinates that arrive in an array.
Here's an example
$datas = file_get_contents('php://input');
$encoded = json_decode($datas);
$id_usuario_rastreio = $encoded->{'id_usuario'};
$id_grupo = $encoded->{'id_grupo'};
$id_token = $encoded->{'token'};
I need to retrieve the locationList now and separate to insert into the database.
"id_grupo": "20",
"id_usuario": "21",
"token": "0123456",
"locationList":[{"date":"Feb 27, 2018 12:32:08 PM","latitude_rastreio":"-10.5267176","longitude_rastreio":"-10.5702931"},{"date":"Feb 27, 2018 12:33:08 PM","latitude_rastreio":"-10.5267176","longitude_rastreio":"-10.5702931"}]