Questions tagged as 'html'


Button with two value only with html is possible? [closed]

You want to put two actions in the value field of a button, using only html. Is it possible? My original button: <button type='roll' name='roll_arma1' value='&{template:default} {{name=Ataque @{nomearma1} @{arma1}}} {{Sucessos=[[{5d4...
asked by 21.07.2017 / 16:29

How not to affect next elements of the same tag

I have a horizontal menu with multiple elements <li> . But passing the mouse on the last item, that is on the last element <li> - "Services", opens another list of items that also contains elements with the li t...
asked by 26.07.2017 / 19:25

Auto-Complete with the bank's values in text-type input

Good evening, I need a code that when typing in the input the user will see suggestions below that should be the values pulled from the bank. <input type="text" id="pesquisa" name="pesquisa">     
asked by 27.07.2017 / 03:22

Add Favicon to my website

If I am accessing a website, both desktop and mobile, there is the option to add the link to the home screen, and some websites add the link with a custom icon. Ex: Stack Nowmysiteforexamplehasnoiconsetandcomesabrowserdefault. How...
asked by 04.08.2017 / 05:20

Contact Form - Send date 0000-00-00

Good morning, I made a contact form and I put one but when I put the date right example: 08/31/2017, I click to send the date comes as: 2017/08/31, I would like to leave as default of Brazil . My input: <input type="text" onfocus="(this....
asked by 31.08.2017 / 14:30

How to make a field of a clickable table?

I'm doing a project where when I click on employees it opens a page with the listing of employees as you can see in the photo. I need the name of each employee to be clickable, to be able to later open the complete page of the official with all...
asked by 30.06.2017 / 13:49

Centralize Vertically

I have a div and inside it I have 2 more, one for an image and one for a text. I need the image to always be centered vertically, regardless of the size of the text. .lista_teste{ width: 100%; height: 100%; background: #ccc;...
asked by 21.09.2017 / 17:16

PHP Store Image in variable

Is it possible to store an image in a PHP variable (get it by "POST" method) and then use it to call the image in other places? Just like with strings coming from HTML input.     
asked by 22.09.2017 / 18:55

alignment of text and an image

Can anyone help me with text placement? I would like the text to be under the image when the resolution was that of a mobile device with the
asked by 27.06.2017 / 16:47

Aligning images inside Panel Bootstrap

I have the following Panel : <div class="panel panel-primary"> <div class="panel-heading"> <h3 class="panel-title">Header</h3> </div> <div class="panel-body">...
asked by 21.06.2017 / 03:37