Questions tagged as 'html'


Open Modal by code-behind

I have a modal, #myModal, and I would like that when I clicked on the button, I had a condition and that if it entered the else, it would open the modal. I created this code in javascript: <script type="text/javascript"> f...
asked by 19.04.2017 / 21:29

How to change the contents of an img src?

I'm trying so, but it does not work <head> <title>Woman</title> <style> body{ background: black; } @media screen and (max-width: 767px) { .mobile...
asked by 17.04.2017 / 14:48

Get value and date attr from jQuery related element

I have a small problem with jQuery, I have the following order of divs: $(document).on('click', '.btn_salvar_obg_acess_prazo', function() { var data = $(this).prev('.acess_prazo_date').val(); alert(data); }); <div class="row">...
asked by 10.04.2017 / 20:46

Close Form Dynamically jQuery

The form is a registration form for a hotel for cats. The tab has the option of adding more than one cat per record, so I clone the cat's registration form to include the second cat, but I can not get the clone form to be closed by a Close butto...
asked by 12.04.2017 / 15:35

Script to show capital of selected state?

Well, I wanted it when I selected a certain state, to display an alert informing the capital of it. Thanks in advance. <!DOCTYPE html> <html> <head> <meta charset="utf-8" /> <title>Exercício</title&...
asked by 12.04.2017 / 01:55

About tag for MySQL database

Good morning! Galera! To with database more than 25 thousand records. I'm reshaping the database because it's very disorganized so I'm building a script to do everything automatic because doing 1 by 1 does not roll right. Doubt is next, it...
asked by 12.04.2017 / 11:13

Difficulty with text alignment on the Ionic 2 button

I started my studies with Ionic 2 these days and I can not align the text of the Ionic buttons to the right or left, it is only in the center. 1 - I tried to use the markings reported in the Ionic Doc (text-left, text-right), I did not succee...
asked by 23.04.2017 / 03:03

validate form with Javascript

I'm trying to validate a <form> with JavaScript, but the code I've created is not doing anything. seems to me correct. HTML code <form name="ContactForm" action="addDataAdmin.php" method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data"...
asked by 20.04.2017 / 20:17

Mount html structure with ajax array result?

I would like the following structure for my page: <div id="ProdutosSeller" class="col-md-3 col-sm-6 hero-feature"> <div class="thumbnail"> <img src="imagem" alt=""> <div class="c...
asked by 18.05.2017 / 15:51

bug multiply coins flip jquery

I'm developing some kind of game of the old one, but there is an error that is disturbing me, I need the flip animation to work all the coins, but it only works at first ignoring the others. code: link As you can see in codepen, the code...
asked by 16.05.2017 / 10:20