You want to put two actions in the value field of a button, using only html. Is it possible?
My original button:
<button type='roll' name='roll_arma1' value='&{template:default} {{name=Ataque @{nomearma1} @{arma1}}} {{Sucessos=[[{5d4}>3+@{arma1}]]}}'>
I wanted to insert into the value the action # macro1, which performs a function within the site I use,
Or even turn these two buttons down into a single one:
<button type='roll' name='roll_arma1' value='&{template:default} {{name=Ataque @{nomearma1} @{arma1}}} {{Sucessos=[[{5d4}>3+@{arma1}]]}}'></button>
<button type='roll' name='roll_arma1' value='!ammo @{selected|character_id} municao1 -1'></button>