Questions tagged as 'delphi-7'


ClientDataSet 'Insufficient memory for this operation'

I'm trying to give active to ClientDataSet and it's returning the following error:    edbclient Insufficient memory for this operation Does anyone know how to solve it?     
asked by 30.03.2015 / 20:55

Delphi: How to get information and manipulate Html in a TStringList?

Working with TWebBrowser you can interact with elements easily, get fields, set values. Example: webBrowser.OleObject.Document.GetElementByID('name').setAttribute('attribute', 'value'); My question may be unrealistic, but does any...
asked by 08.08.2014 / 01:47

For if true

Well, I'm trying to run multiple downloads, one after the other, and I'd like you to just start the next one after the other is done. The codes are these: if StrToInt(version) < StrToInt(version2) then begin for x := StrToInt(vers...
asked by 17.10.2014 / 18:00

Execute commands when opening program

Well, I'm trying to execute several commands when opening the program, but this prevents it from being shown in the desired time, since it executes all to show later. I am trying to run such commands in the OnShow form. Since it has a For, it ta...
asked by 17.10.2014 / 17:21

Generate .exe from my Program

Well I'm in doubt I saw in a forum something about this Content found in the forum and I am looking for more explanations and examples I am developing a Database Auto-Backup generating your .SQL file and compressing into a .zip or .rar file...
asked by 15.05.2018 / 16:37

Print coil style in RLReport

I developed a coupon-style report, where I have the header and items in my note. RLReport - PageSetup: Orientation : poPortrait PaperHeight : 220 PaperSize : fpCustom PaperWidht : 80 In my RLReport I have: RLBand1 - BandType : btHeader...
asked by 05.04.2018 / 15:00

GS1 tags Code128 subset C

Has anyone implemented the GS1 bar code standard?  In the standard there is a Code128 bar code. I'm trying to implement using Code 128 subjet C, my amount of digits will be odd.  How it has to be: 1517072011170323703007607271023031701 But i...
asked by 27.07.2017 / 15:02

InputBox block CTRL + V

I have the following code: vResultado := InputBox(Application.Title, 'Leia o cartão de Segurança:', ''); Is there a way to block copy and paste in the InputBox?     
asked by 08.02.2017 / 13:26

Error Stack Underflow and Access Violation Delphi 7

I am changing the database of my Delphi application from Firebird to PostgreSQL, however in some points of my application when I am accessing information from the Bank the following error message occurs: ButIhavenoideawhatmightbecausingthise...
asked by 04.11.2016 / 20:14

Rave Reports Delphi Seattle

What is the real function of the Rave Reports component in Delphi? And where you can download this component for free. I have an application that was developed in Delphi 7 that is using this component and I need to open and execute that applicat...
asked by 26.10.2016 / 13:12