I developed a coupon-style report, where I have the header and items in my note.
RLReport - PageSetup:
Orientation : poPortrait
PaperHeight : 220
PaperSize : fpCustom
PaperWidht : 80
In my RLReport I have:
RLBand1 - BandType : btHeader
Band2 - BandType : btHeader
Band3 - BandType : btDetail (meus itens)
RLBand4 - BandTye : btFooter
The problem is that I can have N items, if the amount of items passes the page size the other items go to second page, if they are for the second page I will have header and footer printing twice.
If I put a size on PaperHeight high, and do not have so many items, I'll be wasting paper.
I tried to use the RLDraftFilter component with the option:
EjectMethod : EjLeavePage
In the preview at the time of choosing the printer I tried to put the filter but neither one of the options worked, simply the printer did not print.
I'm using the Datamax Oniel RL4 printer.
Has anyone ever been through this?