Questions tagged as 'delphi-7'


Multi-core CPUs - Why does not my application use all processor cores?

I have a question that I can not find a convincing answer. There is an application developed in Delphi 7, and in an extremely complex routine (which takes about 2 hours) we noticed that only the first processor core is used, in this case an I...
asked by 23.06.2015 / 21:06

WebService Registering dll

I have the following code: CoInitialize(nil); try DM_Principal.pLarWS := CreateComObject(LarWS_TLB.CLASS_WS) as IWS; except WinExec( 'regasm LarWS.dll /tlb:LarWS.tlb',SW_HIDE); Screen.Cursor := crHourGlass; Sleep(3000);...
asked by 13.04.2018 / 13:37

Get the current date and time on the internet, in desktop application

I am implementing a system lock by date, and I need to get the current date of brasilia for example, which would be the official time in Brazil, or the date in time zone -3. I believe there are web services that do this and that are reliable,...
asked by 17.04.2014 / 22:13

Sending email using Gmail

I need help with emailing GMail using Indy10 and Delphi 7 . I think the Delphi version should not matter so much, but the Indy version right? I just downloaded Indy10 for and I've already installed the components....
asked by 21.03.2014 / 17:45

Display Animated Form (GIF) while a while is executed

In the application I'm developing, I need to check if a process is running on the system, so I use a IsRunningProcess function. However, I'd like to display a form ( FormProgress ) that contains a loading gif while a specific process runs...
asked by 19.10.2014 / 19:09

Dll C # in Delphi 7

I need to generate a "ini" file in the "C: \ Windows \ Temp \ USB.ini" folder containing printer information installed for another pre- historic consume. I created the following (gambiarra) dll in C #: [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType...
asked by 05.03.2014 / 15:17

Data types incompatible with calling procedure

I'm having trouble calling the following procedure on my form : procedure TDM_Maquinas.IBDSMaquinasCOD_LINHASetText(Sender: TField; const Text: string); begin if Text <> '' then begin if Text = 'Linha 1' then sender.A...
asked by 24.08.2017 / 22:46

How to know the size in Kb of a string?

I have a string that will be saved in xml file , and this file can not be larger than 500 kb . How can I identify the size of string that I will save in xml file ? When string is saved in the xml file, it can chan...
asked by 25.03.2014 / 19:29

Delphi 7 applications on windows 8

I installed Delphi 7 on my Windows 7, however we know that by default Delphi 7 comes with Indy 9. For me, that's fine, because I use only and get via http. > The doubts would be: Is this idhttp component com...
asked by 06.03.2015 / 11:53

Error adding information in DB

When testing the application where I migrated the Firebird DB to PostgreSQL, the following error occurs when trying to save an item in the database: Reviewing the code I could see that the error actually occurs at this point in the code...
asked by 21.11.2016 / 20:58