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How to make Ctrl + S save on Vim?

When I use Vim on the terminal and I run Ctrl + S , or the terminal hangs or something strange happens.     
asked on 12.12.2013 / 02:45

How to consolidate (aggregate or group) the values in a database?

Suppose I have the following database vendas<-c(100,140,200,300,20,1000,200,3000) vendedor<-c("A","B","A","B","C","C","D","A") regiao<-c("Norte","Sul","Leste","Norte","Sul","Norte","Leste","Sul") df<-data.frame(vendedor,regiao,vend...
asked on 27.02.2014 / 02:36

What are the advantages of using associative arrays?

I have come across the definition of associative arrays which are vectors with indices consisting of strings , example: $site['nome'] = "Stack Overflow"; What are the advantages of using this kind of vectors? Since you can not use them i...
asked on 18.12.2015 / 16:04

Error trying to run Eclipse: Java was started but return exit code = 13

After having HD changed, I downloaded and tried to run the eclipse and it returned the error: Java was started but return exit code =13 What is causing this error?
asked on 05.11.2014 / 00:11

How does a SQL Injection happen?

Why creating parameters for each field that will be updated helps prevent SQL Injection? Example: SqlCommand comm = new SqlCommand("UPDATE Contatos Set Telefone = @Telefone, " + "Cidade = @Cidade, " +...
asked on 27.11.2015 / 16:23

How to change the color and background of selected text with the mouse?

When we select a text with the mouse in a website the text is white and with a blue background (I think it can vary from browser to browser). But I would like to know if it is possible to change the color and background of this text with CSS onl...
asked on 24.10.2018 / 22:55

Difference between VM and Containers LXC

Hello, I'm trying to understand what is the difference between VM and LXC Containers? Everything I read sounds a bit abstract and the end result seems to be the same.     
asked on 03.11.2015 / 20:04

___ ___ erkimt With the departure of ViewScoped the new specification of the JSF, which scope to use now in my managed beans that used using JSF 2.2? ______ qstntxt ___

I have a big question now with the appearance of JSF 2.2: What do I do with my views and my old managed beans? How do I now (what scope to use) since I can not use more view scoped in a view that needs to keep some objects in memory between ajax requests?

______ azszpr95 ___

According to: link

La says that the @ViewScoped annotation in the javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped package should become deprecated, given the creation of the @ViewScoped annotation of the javax.faces.view.ViewScoped package.

This happens, considering the adoption of an extension of the CDI, using the second annotation. If you do not use the CDI, this annotation will not work.

______ azszpr96 ___

You can and should use the CDI ViewScoped: javax.faces.view.ViewScoped, however of course, you need to use CDI beans.

What happens is that JSF ViewScoped does not work with CDI beans, and JSF is taking the course where CDI beans will override JSF Managed Beans. So they are making arrangements for the entire javax.faces.bean package to become deprecated in the future.

More information here at this link: link


I have a big question now with the appearance of JSF 2.2: What do I do with my views and my old managed beans? How do I now (what scope to use) since I can not use more view scoped in a view that needs to keep some objects in memory between ajax...
asked on 11.12.2013 / 19:18

How is a "360 Tour" done?

I would like to know how the process of developing a 360º tour is.
asked on 03.02.2016 / 15:15

Check whether a path is relative or absolute

I would like to know if there is any Java function that checks whether the string is a relative path or not: Ex:   String caminho = funcao("\pasta\arquivo.xml") // retorna true que é um caminho relativo String caminho2 = funcao("c:\pasta\...
asked on 21.01.2014 / 14:08