Hello, I'm trying to understand what is the difference between VM and LXC Containers?
Everything I read sounds a bit abstract and the end result seems to be the same.
Hello, I'm trying to understand what is the difference between VM and LXC Containers?
Everything I read sounds a bit abstract and the end result seems to be the same.
A Virtual Machine (VM) consists of running multiple full Operating Systems (OSs) (Linux, Windows, BSD, ...) on shared hardware resources. Such OSs may be different on each VM and may also differ from the base operating system where VMs run. Each kernel of the virtualized operating system considers its execution on common hardware, whether it is generic or a specific hypervisor driver.
VM technology, as the name says, simulates a physical machine for the OS installed on it. It allows you to install any OS inside it, regardless of the host OS. Containers, such as Docker, create isolated environments within the same OS.
You can use a Windows VM on a linux system and vice versa. With Docker this is not possible. (Other than by running the docker inside a VM).
To create a VM you need an image that includes OS + applicatives, which usually have hundreds of MBs. In Docker, the environment can be created with smaller files because they do not need to have the entire OS.
The startup time of a VM is similar to connecting a server, whereas a container can grow in a matter of seconds.
Docker allows you to share host RAM while each running VM allocates some of the memory to you, making it unfeasible to run multiple VMs simultaneously on a desktop, for example.
I have a big question now with the appearance of JSF 2.2: What do I do with my views and my old managed beans? How do I now (what scope to use) since I can not use more view scoped in a view that needs to keep some objects in memory between ajax requests?
According to: link
La says that the @ViewScoped annotation in the javax.faces.bean.ViewScoped package should become deprecated, given the creation of the @ViewScoped annotation of the javax.faces.view.ViewScoped package.
This happens, considering the adoption of an extension of the CDI, using the second annotation. If you do not use the CDI, this annotation will not work.
You can and should use the CDI ViewScoped: javax.faces.view.ViewScoped, however of course, you need to use CDI beans.
What happens is that JSF ViewScoped does not work with CDI beans, and JSF is taking the course where CDI beans will override JSF Managed Beans. So they are making arrangements for the entire javax.faces.bean package to become deprecated in the future.
More information here at this link: link