How to make Ctrl + S save on Vim?


When I use Vim on the terminal and I run Ctrl + S , or the terminal hangs or something strange happens.

asked by anonymous 12.12.2013 / 02:45

4 answers


Ctrl-S is a shortcut to enable the terminal's scroll-lock since when the terminals were slower to display the characters than the operators typing them. To turn off scroll-lock, just press Ctrl-Q .

Since you need to use this key combination in Vim, you need to configure the terminal to disable scroll-lock on some terminals, such as xterm . This can be done by adding the allowScrollLock: "false" option in the ~/.Xresources file.

After that, just set up Vim (file ~ / .vimrc) with map!:

map! <C-s> <ESC>:w<CR>

Note: If you need to map to all Vim modes, you need to use map! and map , the first is used for the Insertion and Command Line modes, the second for Normal, Visual / Selection and Pending Commands.

12.12.2013 / 03:13

I think the problem is that Ctrl + S is the shortcut of the "Stop" command, and so it is locking your terminal. Have you tried using the "stty" command ( link ) to configure the terminal ?

I can not test here, but it seems to me that one possibility is to create a script that does something like:

stty -ixon
stty ixon

According to the stty documentation, the ixon option does the following:

 ixon (-ixon)          Enable  (disable)  START/STOP   output
                       control.  Output is stopped by sending
                       STOP control character and started  by
                       sending the START control character.
12.12.2013 / 03:14

In Vim you save it like this (you only need ESC if you are not in command mode):


12.12.2013 / 02:55

I would use :inoremap <c-s> <c-o>:update<CR><CR>

29.01.2014 / 19:20