Studying Java 9, I saw a new method that works with collections: List.of , example:
List<String> frutas = List.of("maça", "laranja");
I already used Arrays.asList , for example:
List<String> frutas = Arrays.asList(...
Good morning. Is there any way for the user to type this in a text box:
Does a script run the account automatically and result, in this case, = 1?
It is also important that he do this with all operations and that it is in pure javascript....
Studying Flexbox (type of layout in HTML / CSS ), I came across this concept of baseline , which I had never seen before:
... baseline:Itemsarealignedsothattheirbaselinesalign Lookingaround,Isawtha...
I searched and did not find an answer about this: Is CSS considered hypertext?
I have this doubt because PHP, which is hypertext preprocessor, can also preprocess CSS and even JS.
I have a loop of repetition that does several iterations and has in its scope calculations that require a lot of processing.
The problem is that when running the code snippet, processor usage will gradually rise, until the application crashes...
I'm trying to list a folder (files, subfolders) in Python [2.7, on Windows XP], and am having problems with accented files. I know that the method os.listdir behaves differently if the argument is a single string or a unicode string. My...
I'm trying to make a game, using the framework LÖVE to Lua , in which the player is a ball and has to overcome obstacles and enemies but I'm having a problem in making the jumps. >
function love.keypressed( key )
if key == "w"...
Does using PHP echo to display any content on the screen differs in performance from using that same direct content in HTML?
For example, if I use a PHP file:
<?php echo "<p>Seja bem-vindo ao Stack Overflow!</p>";...