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What is the difference between Animation and Transition CSS

What is the difference between the animation: and transition: properties of CSS?     
asked on 17.04.2015 / 22:22

What is the difference between Arrays.asList and List.of?

Studying Java 9, I saw a new method that works with collections: List.of , example: List<String> frutas = List.of("maça", "laranja"); I already used Arrays.asList , for example: List<String> frutas = Arrays.asList(...
asked on 06.10.2017 / 14:46

Automatic calculation in text box

Good morning. Is there any way for the user to type this in a text box: Does a script run the account automatically and result, in this case, = 1? It is also important that he do this with all operations and that it is in pure javascript....
asked on 02.08.2014 / 16:55

What is baseline?

Studying Flexbox (type of layout in HTML / CSS ), I came across this concept of baseline , which I had never seen before:    align-items       ...           ...    baseline:Itemsarealignedsothattheirbaselinesalign  Lookingaround,Isawtha...
asked on 04.04.2015 / 09:32

What exactly is hypertext?

I searched and did not find an answer about this: Is CSS considered hypertext? I have this doubt because PHP, which is hypertext preprocessor, can also preprocess CSS and even JS.     
asked on 11.10.2015 / 04:11

How to limit the resources used by the system?

I have a loop of repetition that does several iterations and has in its scope calculations that require a lot of processing. The problem is that when running the code snippet, processor usage will gradually rise, until the application crashes...
asked on 24.11.2015 / 18:24

Problem accessing an accented file (combining character)

I'm trying to list a folder (files, subfolders) in Python [2.7, on Windows XP], and am having problems with accented files. I know that the method os.listdir behaves differently if the argument is a single string or a unicode string. My...
asked on 31.12.2013 / 01:49

Difference between casting and promotion

What is casting ? What is promotion ? What is the basic difference between these types of Java translation?     
asked on 07.12.2015 / 11:40

How to make an object jump only once. in the LÖVE framework?

I'm trying to make a game, using the framework LÖVE to Lua , in which the player is a ball and has to overcome obstacles and enemies but I'm having a problem in making the jumps. > function love.keypressed( key ) if key == "w"...
asked on 04.02.2014 / 21:57

Is there a performance difference between "echo" of content and content in HTML?

Does using PHP echo to display any content on the screen differs in performance from using that same direct content in HTML? For example, if I use a PHP file: <?php echo "<p>Seja bem-vindo ao Stack Overflow!</p>";...
asked on 29.01.2016 / 18:15