I can not ask a question that asks:
A small library has only fiction and textbooks (Mathematics, Portuguese, etc.). You are building the library loans. On the first page of the system, you should there is a select for the user to choose between the genre of fiction or didactic. If the genre of fiction is chosen, the should show, just below, the cover image of the book, the author and the Summary of a book in the Harry Potter saga and a book by Sidney Sheldon.
<!DOCTYPE html>
<h1>Biblioteca </h1>
var harry = document.getElementById('imagem-harry');
function mostrarFoto(ficcao) {
var fic = document.getElementById(ficcao);
var foto = "img.src='livroharry.jpg'"
if (genero.value == 'ficcao') {
document.getElementById('ficcao').value) {
harry.innerHTML = "Harry Potter (Daniel Radcliffe) retorna à Escola de Magia e Bruxaria de Hogwarts, para cursar o 5º ano letivo. ... Além disto, o Ministro da Magia Cornélio Fudge (Robert Hardy) impõe à escola a presença de Dolores Umbridge (Imelda Staunton), que torna-se a nova professora de Defesa Contra as Artes das Trevas.";
<select id="genero" onchange="(mostrarFoto)">
<option value="ficcao" id="ficcao"> Ficcao </option>
<option value="didatico" "id="didatico "> Didatico </option>
<div id="imagem ">
<img src="livroharry.jpg " />