Questions tagged as 'html5'


Is it ok to use the i tag for icons and not for italics?

Now we've noticed that a lot of people are using the <i> tag for icons, not for italics. If we were still in the pre-HTML5 era this would be totally wrong. According to the specification of the <i> tag in HTML5, it i...
asked by 29.01.2014 / 17:44

Differences between localStorage Vs sessionStorage?

What are the differences, pros and cons between localStorage and sessionStorage ?     
asked by 06.06.2014 / 02:22

The right is br or br / or br /?

I see each using in a way, I even vario the form in a few moments and all work, but which one is right? Does it depend on the HTML version or the browser ?     
asked by 09.01.2015 / 17:16

How to capture a photo via the user's webcam and send via POST?

How to perform the procedure of capturing the user's webcam image in a registration form to send via POST ? I'm looking for a solution that is compatible with most browsers and is simple to implement.     
asked by 05.07.2014 / 19:03

What is the / datalist tag for?

When I was using Sublime Text to edit a html file, I noticed that it suggested a tag with the name of datalist . I've never seen this tag before, but it does seem that really exists . As I did not see any explanation in Portu...
asked by 11.04.2017 / 18:39

Include another HTML file in an HTML file

Scenario: I'm setting up a layout, which will be used by third parties and I do not know what language will be used. I have two divs, one will be the left menu and the other the content. They are separated by a Splitter , my questions are:...
asked by 11.04.2014 / 21:33

How to apply readonly in a select?

I think most here know the difference between readonly and disabled . Select Readonly readonly does not apply correctly to select <select name="field" readonly="readonly"> <option value=""...
asked by 12.05.2016 / 19:43

What is the semantic difference between em and strong? Do they replace i and b?

They say that the element <em> should be used for emphasis, and the <strong> for even more intense emphases. That seems pretty confusing. When and why to use each one? And <i> and <b> , should t...
asked by 12.09.2014 / 14:46

br is obsolete?

With the advent of responsive / adaptive / fluid layouts, it is becoming less common to use <br> to define layout spacing. Is not it recommended in these modern layouts or is it just a matter of programming practice to separate resp...
asked by 07.06.2018 / 16:11

How to stylize a "file" input?

I have this structure: <section id="cadastro" class="cadastroVersao pg-i"> <div class="titulo"> <h1><i class="icon-clientes"></i>Cadastro de versão</h1> <a href="<?php echo base_url...
asked by 01.10.2015 / 22:54