I'm a little overweight, and searching on Physical Fitness , I figured out how to calculate my caloric expenditure through heart rate.
So I created the following script:
bpm = 150
massa = 70
idade = 20 # hahaha
tempo = 30
sexo = 'm'
def calcular(bpm, massa, idade, tempo, sexo)
if sexo == 'm'
((-55.0969 + (0.6309 * bpm) + (0.1988 * massa) + (0.2017 * idade)) / 4.184) * tempo
elsif sexo == 'f'
((-20.4022 + (0.4472 * bpm) - (0.1263 * massa) + (0.074 * idade)) / 4.184) * tempo
p calcular(bpm, massa, idade, tempo, sexo)
ruby gasto_calorico.rb
I would like to delete the definition of variables, and call the script as follows:
ruby ruby_caloric 150 70 20 30 m
How can I do this?