> Why Were Computer Screens/Monitors Previously Square?
Why were computer screens/monitors previously square?
Skilken Alesci
They are still square. or not, regardless of whether it is square or rectangular.
If you're referring to the 4:3 aspect ratio (almost square) compared to the current 16:9 format (much wider than tall) it's because that's how it was established, it was a standard. With the advent of DVD and then HD TV the standard changed, so now most screens are mostly 16:9.
They are still square. or not, regardless of whether it is square or rectangular.
If you're referring to the 4:3 aspect ratio (almost square) compared to the current 16:9 format (much wider than tall) it's because that's how it was established, it was a standard. With the advent of DVD and then HD TV the standard changed, so now most screens are mostly 16:9.