I leave you with a video that explains step by step how to maintain and optimise your equipment.
A computer can be slow for many reasons. If the computer is relatively old it needs a hard drive replacement, preferably a solid state drive (SSD). You'd be surprised how many older computers I've managed to give a second life to after switching to a SSD.
An upgrade in RAM wouldn't hurt either and lastly if you don't plan to make any hardware changes it's best to back up the files you want to keep and do a clean install of the operating system again
If you're not planning to make any hardware changes it's best to back up the files you want to keep and do a clean install of the operating system again.
Aubine Fiora
Buenas tardes, debajo del texto te dejo un tutorial muy útil para limpiar el PC o el portátil tu mismo con programas gratuitos y es bastante sencillo. Seguro que te es útil.
Existen muchos motivos, entre ellos, los programas anclados al inicio y en segundo plano, el disco fragmentado o en mal estado, la cantidad de Ram que le queda libre al sistema, un registro dañado con el tiempo y algunos troyanos o malware que puedan estar afectando a la velocidad de tu ordenador, aparte de la propia configuración de tu sistema Windows o Mac que se puede optimizar.
Aquí te dejo la guía:
As @Ali Torres says, an SSD disk along with reinstalling your system, also works wonders on computers and laptops of any brand.
As @Ali Torres says, an SSD disk along with reinstalling your system, also works wonders on computers and laptops of any brand.
I leave you with a video that explains step by step how to maintain and optimise your equipment.
A computer can be slow for many reasons. If the computer is relatively old it needs a hard drive replacement, preferably a solid state drive (SSD). You'd be surprised how many older computers I've managed to give a second life to after switching to a SSD.
An upgrade in RAM wouldn't hurt either and lastly if you don't plan to make any hardware changes it's best to back up the files you want to keep and do a clean install of the operating system again
If you're not planning to make any hardware changes it's best to back up the files you want to keep and do a clean install of the operating system again.
Buenas tardes, debajo del texto te dejo un tutorial muy útil para limpiar el PC o el portátil tu mismo con programas gratuitos y es bastante sencillo. Seguro que te es útil.
Existen muchos motivos, entre ellos, los programas anclados al inicio y en segundo plano, el disco fragmentado o en mal estado, la cantidad de Ram que le queda libre al sistema, un registro dañado con el tiempo y algunos troyanos o malware que puedan estar afectando a la velocidad de tu ordenador, aparte de la propia configuración de tu sistema Windows o Mac que se puede optimizar.
Aquí te dejo la guía:
As @Ali Torres says, an SSD disk along with reinstalling your system, also works wonders on computers and laptops of any brand.
As @Ali Torres says, an SSD disk along with reinstalling your system, also works wonders on computers and laptops of any brand.