Questions tagged as 'terminologia'


Where does the expression "brush bits" come from, and what is the equivalent in English? [closed]

"Brush bits" is an expression that means, among other things, "worrying about low-level details" such as excessive and / or unnecessary optimizations. The "bit brushing" does not seem to exist or be much used. Where did this expression com...
asked by 16.10.2015 / 15:20

Is there a difference between Post and Request?

When I read about request I always get the term post together, and this raises a question. I understand that request serves to make a request for something to the server and then the server sends a response after processing such a reques...
asked by 25.09.2016 / 20:01

What is ABI? Does it have any relationship with API?

I'm reading this answer because I am currently studying C ++. I was trying to understand the difference C and C ++. In the quoted answer, I came across the term ABI. Until then I knew about API, but ABI I had never heard of such a term....
asked by 04.03.2017 / 23:50

Are there differences between the terms Thread, Multithread, Async, and Await?

I asked this question here in Stack Ooverflow: What is the solution for asynchronous processes in PHP? I did this because I wanted to, in the middle of a process execution, want to have a certain call of a function running on the other p...
asked by 29.05.2017 / 13:35

What is SSH and what are its advantages over HTTPS?

Some services provide the client-server connection through SSH (Secure Shell). What is this SSH? A case is GitHub, which recommends SSH even though it offers HTTPS, but HTTPS seems a lot easier and less difficult to connect with GitHub. What...
asked by 09.12.2017 / 21:19

What is and what is a Seeder for?

I saw in% w_of% that there is a folder named Laravel . In it we have migrations and seeds. I understand that migrations are migrations, they are codes that provide specifications for creating the tables in the database, without the need...
asked by 04.05.2016 / 17:01

What is the difference between Data Annotations and Fluent API?

What's the difference between Data Annotations and Fluent API? Are there any restrictions between one or the other? Improve performance or are they just two ways to do the same?     
asked by 28.11.2016 / 20:07

What is a Distributed System

In my distributed system class, topics are covered regarding SOAP and REST web-services and other topics related to this field. However, I can not understand what a Distributed System is,> I do not know if it's a combination of different tech...
asked by 28.02.2018 / 14:38

What is Idempotency Messages?

I have a question on the subject here , and a < a href=""> article on the subject even at Wikipedia, but I have not yet understood the subject, so the questions are, What is Idempotency...
asked by 03.08.2017 / 14:05

What is a shim?

When asked about "What is a Polyfill?" , I ran into comments and searches with the term Shim . What would a Shim be? What is the relationship of the term Shim with the term polyfill ? Shim is directly linked to Javascript, su...
asked by 05.04.2017 / 02:02