What is SSH and what are its advantages over HTTPS?


Some services provide the client-server connection through SSH (Secure Shell). What is this SSH?

A case is GitHub, which recommends SSH even though it offers HTTPS, but HTTPS seems a lot easier and less difficult to connect with GitHub. What is the advantage of this protocol over HTTPS, if they are comparable?

asked by anonymous 09.12.2017 / 21:19

1 answer


Do you know the windows command prompt or the linux shell? So, they are places where you type commands to be executed by the computer / device to which you are connected.

When you need to connect to a remote server, commands, as well as any information obtained as a result, must be securely routed over the network with encryption. That's where SSH comes in. SSH provides this command prompt functionality over the encrypted network. Since git runs through several shell commands, then it makes sense for you to communicate with remote git servers through SSH.

However, the standard communication protocol on the Internet is HTTP and its version with security and critography (HTTPS). Therefore, git also provides the possibility of interacting with it by this means.

In particular, when you are working with command-line scripts, SSH becomes natural. When you're using a browser, using HTTPS becomes virtually mandatory. To satisfy both, git offers both.

Incidentally, the meaning of SSH is "Secure Shell", and in this case "shell " is the name of the promp command linux, also called SH .

09.12.2017 / 22:30