Questions tagged as 'react-native'


I can not edit Input content that returns address [duplicate]

Through this code I get the current address of the device: navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition( (position) => { this.setState({ latitude: position.coords.latitude, longitude: position.coords.longitud...
asked by 01.12.2017 / 20:04

How can I check the text size of a React-Native input?

Hello, I need to get the text of an input in react-native and check if this typed text has less than 11 characters, how could I do that check? I'm new with react     
asked by 25.11.2017 / 14:37

Open field with value set, but can be edited

I'm using floatingLabel of NativeBase : <Item floatingLabel> <Label style={{ color: branco }}>Local da ocorrência</Label> <Input multiline={true} numberOfLines={4} value={} />...
asked by 26.10.2017 / 21:38

Extract formatted_address from JSON return from Google Maps API

I'm using the google maps API to do reverse geocoding but I'm not able to extract formatted_address import React, { Component } from 'react'; import { Platform, Text, View } from 'react-native'; import axios from 'axios';...
asked by 25.10.2017 / 22:17

React-Native AsyncStorage will return null

I'm having a problem when I save some data in AsyncStorage, when I go back it comes null. save: export const listarRecados = () => { return dispatch => { firebase.database().ref('/Recados/') .on('value', recado...
asked by 02.09.2017 / 05:39

Write app data developed with react-native to a remote PostgreSQL database

I'm developing a react-native application. In this application you will basically have some forms to register information, however this information should be saved in a PostgreSQL bd which is already used by a system. Searching I found the...
asked by 28.08.2017 / 20:28

How to use BackHandler (react-native)?

I started learning about react-native very soon and created an application. In it I put a button to go back from the scene that works normally, but when I try to use the back button of the mobile the application is closed. I have found that I...
asked by 17.06.2017 / 03:59

Database - Images

I am very sure about a database that stores images and videos ... I wonder if there is a database made to store images only, or can I store photos in a normal database? / p> I'm creating a mobile application with React Native, and the app stor...
asked by 23.11.2016 / 00:02

Problems with axes, Spring Boot and base64

I'm trying to make a post from my react native app for my Spring boot application. However, I'm getting this error:    java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: Illegal base64 character a React Native Code: axios({ method: 'post', url...
asked by 20.12.2018 / 12:22

"[object Object]" when passing coordinates in React-Native

Take a code on the internet where I can get the city where the user is, works perfectly ... Putting only (41.89, 12.49), it finds the city of Rome, the problem is that when I use another coordinate it returns    [object Object] getData(){...
asked by 19.12.2018 / 18:48