How can I check the text size of a React-Native input?


Hello, I need to get the text of an input in react-native and check if this typed text has less than 11 characters, how could I do that check? I'm new with react

asked by anonymous 25.11.2017 / 14:37

1 answer


(1) Where is the text stored? In the state of a component? If so, just check this.state.seuTexto.length .

(2) When do you need to check? In the way you type or when you click a button?

(2.1) Pro first, you can use onChangeText in a TextInput as follows:

onChangeText={text => {
  if (text.length < 11) {
    // tem menos de onze
  // atualiza o estado
  this.setState({ seuTexto: text });

(2.2) To check after clicking a button, just check on onPress

onPress={() => {
  if (this.state.seuTexto.length < 11) {
    // menos de 11

Note: (I advise you to extract the functions out of the render)

01.12.2017 / 20:34