Questions tagged as 'react-native'


Local storage with React Native

I'm creating an application that needs to store some data locally. These are simple data such as a "Route" path to an HTTP request, or a field with a "time" that will be used for the application to take action. Knowing this can you tell me ho...
asked by 17.04.2018 / 06:03

React Native presents error when I try to emulate Android

I have an app that should be tested on an Android emulator. After setting to the React Native and Android environment (Including the environment variable). I can not run my app on the Android emulator. Message spoof: I'm using windows 1...
asked by 11.04.2017 / 16:23

How to get a data from an array of arrays. react-native

Good morning, could anyone help me with react-native ??? The codes below and my doubts are below componentDidMount() { return fetch('', { method: 'POST', }) .then(response => response.jso...
asked by 21.12.2018 / 14:52

Test an App on Android. React Native

Hello, my notebook does not have the option to enable virtualization, so I need a way to test an app I'm making. Does anyone know a way for me to do this on my own smartphone?     
asked by 04.12.2018 / 14:01

How to get the state of a reducer within a component with React Native

Hello, I'm new to React Native and I'm having trouble getting the status of a reducer for a component I made. it is as follows: import React from 'react' import { connect } from 'react-redux' import { View, Text } from 'react-native' class Fo...
asked by 06.11.2018 / 20:56

Add +1 min to the countdown timer - With timer already finalized or in progress

Each time I click a button, I want to add +1 min to the timer. <Button onPress={this.somarUmMinuto} title="Somar 1 minuto" color="#007FFF" accessibilityLabel="Somar 1 minuto" /> Code used to set the countdown: inicia...
asked by 17.10.2018 / 18:26

How to disable React Navigation Drawer on specific routes

Hello, I'm creating an application that should not display Drawer on specific routes like login, registry, etc. Currently my file looks like this: import React from 'react' import { FluidNavigator } from 'react-navigation-fluid-transitions' i...
asked by 11.10.2018 / 17:28

Upload app to Apple Store

I'm trying to upload an app in the apple store using xCODE 8, but I get the message that it's no longer possible to upload to the apple store using xCODE 8. So I researched it, it's possible to upload apps using only version 9 or higher. Can any...
asked by 14.09.2018 / 13:34

react-navigation v2 how to send component by params

I'm trying to send a component to a new route via params, but the way I'm doing it does not work. Does anyone know to tell me my error? Component A this.props.navigation.navigate('ModalInput', { input: { component: &...
asked by 15.10.2018 / 22:37

Upload a local image within a Webview

I have a component WebView that loads a String HTML , the problem is that I can not load a local image inside this WebView . The image is inside the folder '../img/imagem.png' and when I put this "address" as source...
asked by 20.08.2018 / 14:27