Questions tagged as 'primaverabss'


How can I drill down to the Current Accounts editor in Spring ERP?

How can I drill down to the Current Accounts editor in Spring ERP? That is, Treasury - > Payments Receipts - > S / Current Account Operations I've been exploring in PKB, I'd also like to know where I can look for a list of events, for c...
asked by 10.04.2018 / 17:37

Error integrating sales document

I am not able to create sales documents in version 10 of ERP Primavera using the engines. I'm getting an error invoking the Actualiza method:    Unable to save document. 0-The best overloaded method match for   'double.Parse (string)'...
asked by 28.11.2018 / 12:14

Error creating document via WebAPI [closed]

I'm trying to use the Spring WebAPI collection in Postman to create a document. However, the request returns 500 Internal Server Error , saying that the document has no rows. WebAPI Version: 10.0003.1049     
asked by 01.12.2018 / 15:32

Electronic Transaction Association (TTE) to Customer

I used the code below to populate the data associated with the client when creating it. In the customer table, the B2B fields are filled with the information entered, however, when entering the customers' ERP Primavera tab on the Trans tab. Elec...
asked by 21.11.2018 / 16:15

Error writing the Stock V900 document

For a customer in Mozambique I'm having a write to the stock document ( C # ) by spring engines, the error happens in the method: bso.Comercial.Stocks.Actualiza(objDocStockDestino) I've simulated the same scenario inside the spring...
asked by 23.08.2018 / 09:51

Payment Methods @PRIMAVERA [closed]

In engines, what is the object of the table    DocumentsBanks Payment methods. The goal would be to create a mode of payment programmatically.     
asked by 21.08.2018 / 14:13

Where is the Customers entity?

Good evening, I'm having a hard time finding the clients or suppliers entity. I already know that the ".comercial" disappeared, but I thought that all entities would stay within the BSO. To get what used to be like this in VBA: BSO.Comercia...
asked by 11.08.2018 / 02:00

VBA migration to C # cycle for- V10 (ValidaLinha)

In event ValidaLinha in VBA would look something like this: Me.DocumentoVenda.Linhas(i).CamposUtil("CDU_LinVar1").Valor > 0 In C # I'm doing: this.DocumentoVenda.Linhas(i).CamposUtil["CDU_LinVar1"].Valor > 0 But somethin...
asked by 05.07.2018 / 10:06

Error opening the V10 platform of an external application

When opening the spring platform of an external application with the code below, I get the error Dim objAplConf As StdBSConfApl = New StdBSConfApl() Dim Plataforma As StdPlatBS = New StdPlatBS() objAplConf.Instancia = Instance objAplConf.Abvt...
asked by 07.06.2018 / 13:12

Exports in Electronic Format

Good afternoon, In the export editor in electronic format can you place a column in the grid with an entity's NIF or code on the screen, using the Spring VBA itself?     
asked by 26.04.2018 / 19:13