How can I drill down to the Current Accounts editor in Spring ERP?


How can I drill down to the Current Accounts editor in Spring ERP? That is, Treasury - > Payments Receipts - > S / Current Account Operations

I've been exploring in PKB, I'd also like to know where I can look for a list of events, for calls from various ERP forms

asked by anonymous 10.04.2018 / 17:37

1 answer


To call the various ERP PRIMAVERA V9 editors from the VBA context is to use the example below:

Private Sub DrillDownDocumento()
Dim objCampoDrillDown   As StdBESqlCampoDrillDown
Dim objParam            As StdBEValoresStr

Set objCampoDrillDown = New StdBESqlCampoDrillDown

With objCampoDrillDown

     .ModuloNotificado = "GCP"
     .Tipo = tddlEventoAplicacao
     .Evento = "GCP_EditarDocumento"

End With

Set objParam = New StdBEValoresStr

With objParam

     'O modulo indica qual o editor que vai ser instanciado.
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "V" ' Vendas
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "C" ' Compras
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "N" ' Internos
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "S" ' Stocks
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "M" ' Contas Correntes
     '.InsereNovo "Modulo", "B" ' Tesouraria

     .InsereNovo "Modulo", "M"
     .InsereNovo "Filial", "000"
     .InsereNovo "Tipodoc", "RE"
     .InsereNovo "Serie", "2018"
     .InsereNovo "NumDocInt", 1

End With

PSO.DrillDownLista objCampoDrillDown, objParam

Set objCampoDrillDown = Nothing
Set objParam = Nothing

End Sub
11.04.2018 / 00:34