Where is the Customers entity?


Good evening,

I'm having a hard time finding the clients or suppliers entity. I already know that the ".comercial" disappeared, but I thought that all entities would stay within the BSO. To get what used to be like this in VBA:

BSO.Comercial.Clientes.DaValorAtributo(Me.DocumentoVenda.Entidade, "TipoTerceiro")

How do I now in V10. (I can not find the Clients within the BSO, some namespace is missing)

asked by anonymous 11.08.2018 / 02:00

1 answer


In V10 the call is made in much the same way, but instead of invoking the Comercial engine, we must call up the Base engine:


Dim strTipoTerceiro As String = BSO.Base.Clientes.DaValorAtributo(Me.DocumentoVenda.Entidade, "TipoTerceiro")

C #

string strTipoTerceiro = BSO.DSO.Plat.Utils.FStr(BSO.Base.Clientes.DaValorAtributo(this.DocumentoVenda.Entidade, "TipoTerceiro"));
11.01.2019 / 16:47